Kyle/Johnnie #8

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It has been a week since what happened, I haven't talked to anyone. I have actually been avoiding everyone, I still go to therapy, but sit as far away from everyone.

"Kyle, wanna talk about anything?" Mr. Quinn asked.

I kept my head down like I said I'm avoiding everyone. He sighs and moves to the next person.

"You're pathetic, worthless, disgraceful." My depression has gotta worse since what happened, and I can't seem to sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see that horrible image.

"Kyle, Mr. Fuentes would like to talk to you." Mrs. Williams said.

I got up and started walking to Mr. Fuentes office. I knocked on the door waiting patiently.

"It's open." I opened the door and walked in. I took a seat right in front of his desk.

"Kyle, how have you been lately?" I shrugged my shoulder, keeping my head down.

"Kyle, you're falling in reverse. You're not getting better, it's not a good thing to keep your feelings balled up. I know you haven't been talking to anyone, Kellin, Hayley, and I are starting to get worried."

"Don't let them in, they'll only tear you apart." He sighs running his hand through his hair.

"You may go." I nodded.

I went to open the door, but it opened and revealed Matt. He smirked walking toward me, I slowly backed up. I looked behind me, to see Vic nowhere in sight. Matt pushed me against the wall.

"Get away from me!" I screamed.

I slide down the wall, bring my knees to my chest.

"Kyle?" I shook my head.

"Kyle, it's just me." I looked up to see Johnnie.

I pulled him into a hug, I was too scared to let him go.

"Shh, it's okay." He rubbed my back, helping me to calm down.
I walked to Mr. Fuentes office, I know Kyle was in there. I wanted to talk to him, I opened the door and Kyle backed up.

"Get away from me!" He screamed.

He slides down the wall, bringing his knees to his chest. I walked over, kneel down in front of him.

"Kyle?" He shook my head.

"Kyle, it's just me." He looked up, his arms wrapped around me pulling me into a hug.

"Shh, it's okay." I rubbed his back, helping him to calm down.

"Johnnie, can you get Kyle to the room, after that come back here, I want to talk to you." I nodded.

Kyle won't let go of me, so I had to carry him. I started to lean up, Kyle wrapped his legs around my waist.

I looked over to see Vic smiling at us.

"I'm sorry, you two are just too cute." I blushed, turning and leaving the room.

I gently laid Kyle onto the bed, I turned to leave but Kyle spoke up.

"Please stay." I looked at him.

I needed to go talk to Vic, but I didn't want to leave Kyle. I climbed onto the bed, wrapping my arm around his waist pulling him close to me.

Kyle soon fell asleep, I untangled myself and started making my way down to Vic's office. I opened the door and walked in.

"You wanted to talk to me earlier?" He nodded.

"It's about Kyle."

"He's been falling backward, it's like he doesn't want the help," Vic said.

"But, I see the way he acts around you, I-I usually don't allow this but Kyle needs you about as much as you need him."

"What are you getting at?" I asked.

"I'm asking you for help." My eyes widen, he never asks patients to help.

"I see, Kyle, need you more than ever." I nodded.

I couldn't believe he was giving me permission to actually help him.

"I need you to tell me everything Kyle tells you. Anything he does, I also need you to tell me." I nodded.

"Johnnie, please keep him safe. I hate seeing him like this."

"I don't like seeing him like this either." I smiled sadly.

Goodbyes are never endless

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