Kyle #3

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"Kyle?" I couldn't tell them about Johnnie, I promise I would tell them.

"Kyle, please we need to know before it's to late." I nodded.

"I wake up the other night, he was sitting in the corner, slamming his head into the wall...." I swallowed back the weeping.

"Slamming his head into the wall, jerking at his hair. I attempted to help him, he pushed me away screaming, telling me not to hurt him...." I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"H-he crawled up into a ball, crying, mumbling something."

"Kyle, what did it sound like he said?" I repeat those words every night.

"I-I don't want to live anymore, b-but that's not the only thing," I whispered.

"Kyle, what else is there?"

"He has scars all over his stomach, I don't know how they got there." I looked over to his mom.

"He's not ready to go," I whispered, tearing perking at the corner of my eyes.

"Kyle, where did he go?" She asked I didn't want to tell her. She was attempting to take Johnnie from me.

"Kyle, where did he go?" Vic asked.

I pointed down the hall toward the bathroom, we took off down the hall.

I grabbed the bathroom doorknob, thankfully it was unlocked. I wasn't prepared for what was behind it. I opened the door, to see Johnnie on the floor. He was holding his arm, crying.

I ran over to his side, I placed my hand over his.

"I-I don't want to leave you." I pulled him into a hug, I didn't like the look on his mom's face.

"I-I'm not going anywhere with her." He looked at Vic.

"I'm your mother, I can sign you out of this place."

"P-please, don't take him from me. He's not ready."

"Johnnie, I want you to go find your stuff." He shook his head no.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no."

"Now!" Johnnie and I jumped, I looked at Vic, is he just going to let this happen.

"No, I'm not going back with you, cause once we're there you are going to do what you used to."
"What did she use to do?" Vic asked.

"That's none of your business." She snapped.

She walked over jerking Johnnie from my arms, I went to grab his arm, but she pushed me back down. Vic placed his hand in the doorway.

"It's my business to know, I need to make sure he have a suitable home to live in." I got up grabbing him out of her grip.

"Johnnie, what did she use to do?" I asked.

"She uses to beat me, burn me. You name it, she did it."

"That's it, Johnnie get your stuff we're leaving." She reached for him, I smacked her hand away. She pulled back shock, yet pissed at the same time.

"Mrs. You need to leave now, or I will call the authority," Vic said.

She looked at me, giving me a death look.

"I'll be back for my son." With that, she walked out the room.

It never ends (sequel to Hospital for souls Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now