It's not safe to be out after dark

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Vanessa's: POV

I was walking through the dark forest with music in my ears. I knew it was forbidden to be out now, but I had done so much during the day and lost the track of time.

Thriller by Michael Jackson ended and I heard footstep behind me. My heart was pounding with fear and I started running.

Someome pushed me hard against a tree

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Someome pushed me hard against a tree. A horrible pain went through my body and I lost my breath.

"It's not safe be out after dark." said a man. "W-Who are y-you?" I asked with shaked voice. "Your worst nightmare." he said. "P-Please, don't k-kill me." I begged. "You won't feel anything." he said. I felt his cold lips against my neck and his sharp teeth pierced my skin. My head began spinning and everything went black.

Luke: POV

"Where's Vanessa?" asked Olivia. "She should've been home by now." I said worried. "I tried to call her, but came to the voicemail." she replied. "What if something has happened to her." I said. "I hope not." replied Liv. My phone rang and it was Fred. He told us to come to the hospital at once. We drove quickly there and we got a shock. In a bed lay Vanessa unconscious. She was pale and her shirt was bloody.

"What happened to Vanessa?" I asked

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"What happened to Vanessa?" I asked. "A woman found her unconscious in the park. She had lost lots of blood and she had a bite mark on her neck." said Fred. Olivia looked at me and we knew what had happened to her. But it broke my heart to see her hurt. I can't handle to see my children hurt. Olivia was worried as well. I wish Adam was here.

Vanessa has been bitten

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