You shoot me down, but I won't fall I am titanium

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A/N This chapter is based on the music video Titanium.

Emily's: POV

I arrived to school with a worried lump in my stomach. I took a deep breath and walked in.

"Liar, bitch, drama queen." said the students behind my back. Someone pushed me to the floor. "You're so fake, you don't deserve to live." she said. "Why don't you go and kill yourself?" asked her friend.

I ran crying to the restroom and locked me inside a booth

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I ran crying to the restroom and locked me inside a booth. I was sitting on the toliet lid and tears were streaming down my face. Why does everyone hate me. I opened the door and walked out. I gasped when I saw my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were pitch black. I smirked and walked out to the corridor.

"Stay away from her before something bad happens." I warned. "Was the mental hospital too horrible for you?" asked a boy with a smirk on his face. I looked at him and he choked. But I stopped when he his face turned blue. He breathed heavily and gasped for air. Everyone looken scared at me. I closed my eyes and blew up the school.


Adam's: POV

"Do you want to cuddle?" I asked. Yes." said Luke. We went to the living room and watched a movie. I my arm around him and he smiled softly. "Do you want some popcorn?" I asked. "Don't go." he said. "Why not?" I asked. "I love being in your arms, you give the best hugs." said Luke. "Aww, you're too cute." I replied with a smile on my face. "I love you." he said. "Love you more." I replied and kissed him. But we were interrupted by the news broadcast on tv.

Supernatural occurrence at local school.

We looked at each other, we couldn't believe it. "Emily." we both said.

Oh my

I hope you liked the chapter


The nightmareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora