He behaved like a baby refusing to take the medicines and soup. He literally tested Amu's patience levels.

"Ouch! It hurts. " He cried when Amu is cleaning his injuries.

"Why did you jumped into the fight like a hero? Huh. We could have called police and handled the issue more smartly right." Amu scolded attended his other wound.

"Should I sit silently while they are speaking nonsense? How dare they? Who gave them the right to utter whatever comes to their mouth?" He asked.

Their discussion continued expressing their opinion on such issues.

Amu made him a simple soup and made him take the medicines forcefully after having his soup.

The night went forming a little new space in someone's heart.

Flashback ends.


Yash's pov :

It's been two days since the dinner night when we all together met and enjoyed their dinner together.

My heart is so disturbed from that night. It is burning to see her appreciating another guy.

I'm not able to bear the thought itself. That night while returning back to houses, Mahira talked about shipping that Rakesh guy and Amu. That thought feels so horrible.

For sure that guy is interested in Amu. I can see the dreamy eyes of his. I controlled myself not breaking his teeth which he is displaying unnecessary like he is in the Colgate ad.

He dared to offer her a job. He for sure has a death wish. Amu said she is thinking about the job. What is there to think? His joker face and his idiotic offer.

I'm getting mad with these thoughts.

Today I decided to go to Arjun's house. From the last three years, I reduced my visit to his house as it is bringing many memories. The happiest memories. The crazy things we did.

But now I want to feel those. I want everything back.

I miss her beside me. I miss our closeness. I miss laughing my heart out carefreely.

I started my car with her thoughts.

By the time I reached Arjun's house, Aaru and Arjun are sitting in the garden area. Arjun is making Aaru eat fruits and Aaru is making faces eating them.

I smiled seeing them. They look so cute together.

"Hello, guys. " I said going towards them.

"Hi, Yash. Come sit." Aaru said smiling.

"Finally sir got time to come here. " Arjun said dramatically.

"Very funny bro. " I said sitting beside him.

"How are you doing Aaru? " I asked giving her a chocolate box.

"Wow. Thank you, Yash." Aaru said excitedly.

"Your friend is making me eat all types of fruits from the morning. I got tired of eating his healthy foods." She explained eating chocolate happily.

"Hey, fruits are good for you. I will get you anything you are craving to eat but only after finishing this bowl." Arjun said feeding her a piece of apple.

"Wait let me at least eat one chocolate." Aaru pleaded cutely.

Arjun let her eat one chocolate and next she continued eating the fruit bowl.

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