20: In the Name of Love

Start from the beginning

And now all I see is a traitor in that mirror, staring back tauntingly as if to say, "You lost."

In a matter of an hour or two, Yeji would be in her grave. What reason do I have now to continue living? None. I really have lost everything.

No riches can buy happiness, no wealth can bring peace.

And so, I choose death at last. 

I slowly let my eyelids fall shut, a small grieving smile curling my lips.

"Forgive me, eonnie."

A loud bang is all that is heard thereafter.


"It will be fine again. We will be fine again."


"The darkness will go away, the stars will shine again."

My breathing is uneven, my hands shaking violently. My eyes are blown wide but the one I see is not Hwang Yeji in front of me, it's not her blood on my hands.

It's hers.

"Oppa, it hurts."


I blink once, then twice, but it's only her I can see, a deep gash running down the side of her cheek.

"You are just like her, Oppa."

What have I done? This is not me. I can never... I can never hurt my sister, not Hiyyih, not anyone. This has to be someone else. I can't...

"She always had a liking for you, Oppa. No wonder you are just like her."

No. I am not like her, am I? I am not like my mother. I am not doing any of this.

"You are no different."


My eyes wander to the other corner of the room, and there stands Lea, disappointment written all over her face. I look back at Hiyyih who takes a step back.

"She was a psychopath, and so are you. She killed dad, you will kill us."


And before I know it, my fingers wrap around the girl's throat. She chokes, lets out a cry for help and I try to stop myself...

...But I've already lost all my control over my body.


Yeji tries to free herself from Kai's grip but to no avail. She is weak enough with the low food consumption and sleep deprivation, and now her struggle for every breath isn't much of a help.

Of course, she knows that survival at this point is just a dream and that even the ropes that tie her hands behind her back were dipped in drugs beforehand. Now, there is no way out of the impending doom as she slowly feels herself losing her consciousness.

Tears threaten at the brim of her eyes and she feels her world crumble down. Her entire life flashes in front of his eyes. Those crimes, those dark days, the memories and Lia.

In the end, it is her dying alone, leaving the other girl. She'll see that friend ever again, and it hurts more than any other cuts or wounds.

'At least she'll be alive.' Is what she thinks as her vision turns blurry. 'She'll be happy without me.'

Yeji lost her will to live a long time ago, the prolonged torture being the only thing keeping her alive. She knew she'd give up someday.

And that day happens to be today.

But, as if on cue, the door to the room bursts open. Yeji limply falls to the floor as those hands let go of her.

'She'll be fine.'


I am late.


I know I am.

"Beomgyu why are you here—"

"Where is he?"

Choi Yujin stares at me with an unreadable expression, her hands not letting me go. "Jagiya..." She trails off, her gaze slowly falling to the floor. "Go home, you are not safe here."

But I protest out of her hold and go past the plight of police cars and ambulances that line up in front of the old Huening residence.

My heart goes haywire at the mere sight of the house-- the childhood of the person I loved and no wonder he still gets those nightmares.

Because the scene isn't so different from all those years ago, just as I had imagined it to be. But worse.

I take in a shaky breath and climb the first step, the old plank creaking beneath the sole of my boot. My head feels dizzy as my gaze lingers over the police tapes that cover the entrance. I can hear nothing but my own breaths as the hair on my neck reach for the ceiling.

I am late.

And just as I take another step, someone appears at the door, someone I had expected but never at all.

Shin Ryujin stands there, her face devoid of emotions. I don't know what to say as she wordlessly holds her place.

Then I dare to look behind me, slowly and calmly, only to be met with two medical personnel carrying a stretcher, an unconscious Hwang Yeji lying upon it as if she is in her good night's sleep.

I look back at Ryujin, in hopes that she knows what exactly I am here for. And maybe she does, as her head-- that once touched the clouds-- slowly falls and a tear escapes her eye.

"They can't find Kai. He is nowhere to be seen."

My knees give out.

Darling Daisy, don't you cry

Darling Daisy, don't say goodbye


A/N ¡! ❝The one thing I live about Kai and Yeji here is that they are the most contrasting yet the most similar characters here. Like the two sides of the same coin.

And so, I was wondering if I should write a separate book about Yeji. I had already planned an extra chapter but now I think it'd be better if you all actually knew about her childhood and her and Lia's relationship. Of course, it would be relatively shorter than this book and the second book planned after this (the Hawaiian love story). Let me know if you think you are okay with a special chapter or two.

Hope you are enjoying it so far, final showdown is coming soon~❞

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