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Lilly was sitting outside a small bar. People have returned to their own habits, but the effects are not leaving any time soon.

"Did you know that he had a thing for you?" Nat said to her. "Who?"

"Daniel." Lilly lifted her eyebrows. "No way. I always saw him as my friend. Like a really really good friend." Lilly said.

"Too bad, he hasn't said anything to you, before Steve came into your life."

"I don't think anything could happen between us, romantically speaking."

Natasha sipped her coffee. "Yes. Tony would've beat him too, I guess."

"Tony?" Lilly asked her. Nat placed her cup of coffee on the table and nodded. "Didn't you know that? He really liked you, but his ego was too big at the time."

"Don't speak nonsense. Tony and I are just friends."

"Right. So you're telling me it never occurred to you how Tony always made sure you're safe, you're taken care of, even though he didn't have to?"

"He's got Pepper now."

"Yes. He does. Because of you."

"Great, now you're making me look bad."

"No. I just mean that he loves Pepper, but something's telling me that this is not the full story."

"Whatever," Lilly said and looked at her empty cup. Nat watched her, hesitating whether to tell her about Daniel or not.

"We were speaking about Daniel earlier, and I just want to know, when was the last time you guys hung out?"

"Years. It was before I went to Asgard," Lilly told her, "why?"

"Well, ..." Nat started, still hesitating, "I don't know how to tell you this, but he ..." Lilly tensed. She felt her chest tightening. "He's dead."

Lilly didn't move. She stared at Nat, wide eyed. "He-He's dead?" She repeated. "I'm sorry."

"How long?"

"Four years."

"What?!" She exclaimed. "Why did no one tell me!" She stood up from her chair. Luckily they were alone.

"Calm down, now."

"Calm down?!" She said back to Nat. She felt fire slowly growing in her hands. "My friend is dead and I have to calm down?!"

"Let me explain," Nat said and grabbed her by her wrists. Lilly sat down, shaking. "Please."

——— later ———

Lilly was standing in front of Daniel's grave.

Her head was filled with their memories. "I can't believe it," she said. "I am a bad friend."

She looked at the flowers and candles. "Do you remember that time, we pranked Fury with a new eyepatch," she said reminiscing on the past days. "Man, that was something."

"The world is a bad place right now, Daniel. I don't know what to do," she said. "I know there has to be a way to fix all of this, but I haven't found it yet."

She squatted and looked at her feet. "So much has changed. Sometimes I wonder, what would happen, if I didn't join the Avengers. Yet again, I don't regret that."

She grabbed a candle she bought. "I discovered a lot about myself, yet nothing. The only family I have left is Thor," she said as she got up and lit the candle.

"I also met Steve's best friend, Bucky. But this time in a more civilian way. He's actually pretty cool. Or, he was. Too bad we didn't have more time,..."

She placed a candle on his grave. "I just wish you were here."

She stood there for a moment. Steve joined her by her side. "He was a good man."

"He was." Steve wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. He kissed the top of her head. "Let's head home."

Back at home, Lilly was cooking them a dinner. "Can you bring me spoon?" She asked him. As he gave her the spoon, he leaned on the counter with his hip. "You alright?"

"I'll be fine." Steve nodded and looked away. "I just want all of this to end, to wake up and find out it was all just a bad dream."

"Me too," he said and looked down at his feet. "Perhaps we should just move on."

"Come on, 'move on'?" Lilly asked as she lifted her eyebrow. "You know, I never brought this up, because I was being nice, but ..." she said and put down the spoon, "why do you still carry the compass with Peggy's picture in it?"

Steve regained his posture and looked her in the eyes. She turned to him.

"I don't want to fight. I love you," she said, "but I want to know why."

Steve didn't say anything. Lilly sighed and turned off the stove.

"Here's your food."

She walked away from him and headed into their bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. After all these years, she thought she was the one. Or at least the one who could make him feel loved. "Shit," she said and pit her head into her hands. She heard the door open. "Lilly," he said.

"No." She stood up and walked to him. She looked him in the eyes and said, "I want you to answer me, honestly." He touched her arm, but she moved it away. "If there was a chance— a smallest possible chance, that you could bring her back, would you?"

He hesitated. "Yes," he told her. "Even if it meant losing me?" She waited for answer. After a while, she scoffed and turned around. "Thank you," she told him as she plopped on bed. "Close the door when you leave."

Steve did close the door, bu he didn't leave. He watched her laying on bed, her eyes focused on the ceiling. "I have a proposition," he said and walked towards the bed. "You are in no position to make propositions."

"It'll be good for me and you."

"And Peggy." Steve sighed. "Can I explain?"

Lilly stayed quiet. "You'll help me move on and I'll help you."

Lilly lifted her upper body, leaning on her forearms. "Go on."

"To simplify, I'll help you move on from your past and you'll, ... you'll help me move on from mine."

Lilly thought for a second. She smiled and sat up. "You see, I am already doing my part. I realized nothing can bring back my mother. But I will help you, if you're willing enough."

He placed his hand on her cheek. "I want to."

"For starters, get rid of the compass," she said. He tensed and leaned in for a kiss, but she put her hand on his lips. "No."

"I'll need a little motivation." She smiled at him and leaned closer.

"You'll have to work for that, Captain."

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