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The team is still fighting the alien army

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The team is still fighting the alien army. Lilly is flying over them, leaving trails of flames. She stopped, feeling a little bit tired. "I should save as much as I can,... especially for that bitch," she cursed. She noticed Steve and Thor fighting alongside each other.

Lilly flew towards the ground, stumbling as she hit the ground. She ran to Thor, who noticed her, and threw her arms around his neck. "I missed you so much!"

"We are in a battle, you two," Steve said as he saw a tree skewering three aliens with his right arm.

Lilly let go of Thor, panting from the exhaustion. "By the way, this is a friend of mine. Tree," he said gesturing towards it with his axe. "I am Groot!" The tree replied.

"I am Steve Rogers," Steve said to him.

"By the way, is that your hammer replacement?" Lilly asked Thor.

"You like it?"

"So far it looks promising," she replied. Past Thor, she noticed Horn-woman. "We can chat after we finish this mission," Lilly said, walking off towards her. "There you are," she said and flew up, but a giant rolling spikey wheels, came rolling towards them.

"Lilly, we need your help," Sam said through the com. "I see," she replied and focused her powers on the wheels. Sam, Rhodey and Lilly, all of them fired at them, but it did nothing.

"We need a better strategy!" Lilly exclaimed at both of them. Suddenly, red power lifted the wheels, stopping them. Lilly saw Wanda, her eyes glowing in red colour. She smiled to herself.

"Where is the hammer guy?" Sam asked Lilly. She quickly scanned the area. "I don't see him."

"Shit!" Sam said. Lilly flew towards the palace. "Lilly, where are you going?" Nat asked her. "Where I said I will," Lilly replied. "Don't. Help Nat and others. I got this," Bruce said, passing her in his big suit. She hesitated and noticed Wanda rolling down the ditch that the wheels left. "Oh no you won't!" Lilly flew down.

"He'll die alone. As will you," the woman said to Wanda. "She's not alone." Nat appeared behind her with Okoye on the other side and Lilly hovering above them. She smirked. "Let's play, ladies."

She leapt for Nat, and attacked her. Nat blocked her blow. Shortly Okoye attacked her with her spear. Lilly helped Wanda get up. "Vis!" She said. "Bruce went to help him," Lilly assured her.

The woman pushed Nat and Okoye away. For a second she turned around, saying "coward."

Lilly furrowed her brows in anger. "You!"

She blaster fire at her, which made her laugh maniacally. Okoye lashes towards her, but misses, as Horn-woman moved. She kicked Lilly in her stomach, blowing her away.

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