Judging Juno

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Hello, everyone, and welcome to the beginning of the three-parter. It's going to be a wild ride as Chase's plans for Juno are finally set in motion. I hope you're all ready, please comment on the story as you read. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC.


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc


Chapter Eighteen: Judging Juno


"Are you sure you have to go back now?"

"Yeah." Juno answered her husband as she got out of his bed, picking up her discarded clothes from the floor and putting them on. "There's a special announcement for the monks today and I have to be there."

Chase just stared at her.

"But I'll come and see you again soon." she told him as she finished dressing. She knelt down on the bed and kissed him briefly. "Try not to miss me too much."

"I always miss you when you're out of my sight."

Juno smiled at him. As she was pulling back, he grabbed her hand.

"Juno, I have to ask." Chase looked at her seriously. "Are you absolutely sure you don't want to drink the Lao Mang Lone Soup and join the Heylin side? Not even a little bit?"

The redhead blinked at him, her expression turning as serious as his. "Yes, I'm sure." she said without any doubt in her voice. "I have no plans to drink the soup, or become a part of evil, now or ever."

The Heylin warrior saw the resolve in her eyes and released her hand. "I see. Very well, I understand. The way you are now, I know I can't change your mind. It was worth a shot, at least."

"I know we've had this talk before, but thank you for understanding." she smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "I really should get going now, I'll see you later, okay?" she kissed him once more before pulling back. She walked to the door, stopping when she reached it and looked back at her husband. "Love you." she smiled and waved at him before walking out the room, closing the door behind her.

Chase stared at the spot he last saw her in, sitting silently on the bed. "It's finally time..." he said to himself.


(Later, at the Xiaolin Temple)

"Young monks, we have an important announcement to make." Master Fung told the monks as he, Juno, and Dojo walked into the room they were in.

"Sounds like end of the world time." Raimundo said, crossing his arms.

"Don't worry, this is good news." the redhead reassured.

"Hey, there's a first." Dojo joked.

The older monk and Xiaolin Dragon King looked at him.

"My bad." he grinned sheepishly.

"It has been a year since you all rose to Apprentice Warriors." Master Fung said to the monks. "Now the time has arrived that one will to rise to the next level of Wudai Warrior."

"Only one?" Omi questioned.

"So who's the lucky monk?" Raimundo asked.

"You'll know tomorrow." Juno answered. "But, if you all look deep inside, you'll already know." she winked at them before turning around and leaving the room with the older monk and dragon.

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