The Year of the Green Monkey

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Hey, everyone, it's time for the next chapter, I hope you're all ready for it. The Xiaolin Warriors find themselves in a hairy situation in this one. Not only that, but the beginnings of an evil plot start to show themselves. I won't keep you in suspense anymore and get right to it. Don't forget to leave comments. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC. 


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc


Chapter Eleven: The Year of the Green Monkey


It was a sunny day at the Xiaolin Temple. All was peace and quiet in a green pasture, not a sound to be heard. It was a perfect place to just lay back and relax.


Until now.

"Try and keep up, kids!" Juno called to the monks as she rode on a pure white horse at full gallop, a white cowboy hat on her head.

Kimiko and Raimundo, she wearing her own cowboy hat while he wore a sombrero, were riding behind her on beige and brown horses respectively. Clay soon rode past them on a bull.

"Hawyee!" Omi shouted, bringing up the rear on a tiny horse while wearing his own cowboy hat.

The four Warriors ahead jumped over a large hedge when the short monk's horse slid to a sudden stop. He sniffed the hedge and started to eat it.

"Tongue of Saiping!" Omi pulled out the Shen Gong Wu. "Horse, what are you doing? You are suppose to leap over the hedge, not eat through it." he said to the small animal.

"It's too high, I'm lowering it." the horse replied, mouth full of leaves.

"Perhaps if you did not eat so much, you could leap higher."

"Well, perhaps if we switchws places, you could carry me around for a while."

The horse jumped into the air, backflipped a few times, and landed with their positions switched, the short monk on the ground while he had all four hooves on his back. Omi did the same thing and reversed their positions again, but he was now sitting backwards in the saddle. Then the tiny horse bucked hard, throwing him off his back and having him land on the ground.

"Mind turning down the volume, some of us are trying to get a little shuteye." a monkey in a tree said.

"In the middle of the day?" the short monk questioned, still using the Tongue of Saiping. "You are a very lazy animal."

"Hm, what a mouth on someone so small." a rabbit hopping by remarked.

"I am not small, I am compact!"

"Yeah, anymore compact, and we would need a microscope to find you." two birds by the fountain laughed along with the other animals.

Omi's face burned red. "You animals are all very rude! And very lazy! No more water for any of you!" he shooed the birds away from the fountain. Then the monkey jumped down on his head and the rabbit bit his leg. "Ah! Monkey punch!" he threw the primate off of him. Then the monkey leaped on him again and they fell to the ground, tussling. "Got your tail now, monkey boy!"

The Xiaolin Dragon King: First ArcWhere stories live. Discover now