The New Order

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Hi, everyone, are you all excited for the next chapter? I know I am. For this one, I decided to introduce a bit of backstory before getting to the main story. I hope you enjoy it and please be sure to leave comment or two while you're reading. Now, let's get on to it, shall we? Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC.


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc 


Chapter Thirteen: The New Order


(One day, at the Xiaolin Temple)

"How Chase and I first met?" Juno questioned the monks, using the water coming out of her hand to water the temple's flora.

"We are most curious as to how your relationship started." Omi told her.

"Yeah, I love a good backstory." Kimiko added. "But, if you don't want to talk about it, we understand."

"No, I don't mind." the redhead said as she finished watering. "Though, didn't Master Fung give you kids chores to do?"

"This sounds way more fun than chores." Raimundo answered, grinning.

"You're right, it is. Alright, everyone talk a seat."

"Oh, I just love story time." Dojo slithered over, carrying a bowl of popcorn, and settled on the ground with everyone.

"You were there, Dojo, so you should remember some of it." Juno said. "It all started fifteen hundred years ago, some time after I became the Xiaolin Dragon King. I was wandering the country when I heard about Wuya and the havoc she was causing back then. Wanting to lend a hand, I headed to the area where she had the most activity. And that area just happened to be near the village that was close to the Xiaolin Temple.


(Fifteen hundred years ago)

"Woah, that is a lot of rock monsters." Juno remarked when she saw the scene below her from the hill she was standing on. "Looks like I came just in time." she summoned her Xiaolin Dragon Blade and was about to go down when she spotted something. Amongst the horde of rock monsters, she spotted three men fighting them. "Hm, maybe I won't be needed." she watched for a moment, seeing them fight the creatures. "They're not bad, not bad at all." she waited a while longer until she saw them getting surrounded on all sides. "Looks like they could use some help, after all."

Gripping her weapon, the female warrior jumped into the air and flew to where the circle the rock monsters had made was. When she was over it, she dropped back down to the ground, landing right in front of the men.

"Pardon me, gentlemen, but I just got here and saw you needed a little hand. Let me handle this, okay?" she looked back and winked at them.

Before any of them could say anything, Juno charged and sliced her guandao through three rock monsters, making them crumble to rubble. She saw more coming and cut them down before slamming the spike of her weapon into the ground. Sharp rock spikes shot out of the earth and penetrated multiple rock monsters.

The Xiaolin Dragon King: First ArcWhere stories live. Discover now