The Return of PandaBubba

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Hello, my gorgeous readers, time for another action-packed chapter of The Xiaolin Dragon King. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it. Also, if you want to get a better idea of what Juno's voice sounds like, I imagine her being voiced by Michelle Ruff. If you don't know what she sounds like and would like to know, listen to the dubbed version of Kannazuki no Miko, she voices the main character Chikane Himemiya. Don't be afraid to a leave a comment or two, guys. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC. 


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc


Chapter Nine: The Return of PandaBubba


"Come on, die. Die already, you piece of shit."

"I do hope you're not talking to me." Chase said to his wife, his eyes on the book he was reading as he was sitting down on his bed.

"Not this time." Juno replied, her head laying on his lap as she held a gaming console. "I'm talking to this stupid final boss, who refuses to just give up and drop dead."

"Since when have you been interested in playing with modern technology?"

"Since Kimiko taught me how to play video games, they're so fun and colorful. She introduced me to this game called Goo Zombies and kinda got me hooked. I finished the first two of the gaming series, but the third one I'm playing right now is more difficult. Ugh, this final boss is kicking my ass, my health bar is dangerously low right now." she groaned as she tried a combo attack.

"You have faced some of the strongest opponents ever, myself included, and your most difficult foe is a character on a screen." the Heylin warrior said in amusement as he gazed down at her.

"Shut up, I need to focus." Juno told him as she kept her eyes on the console. "If I can just get the right number of attacks and combos before I lose all of my health..."

Chase closed his book and set it aside, looking down at the redhead on his lap. He moved his hand and started to play with her bangs.

"Hey, knock it off." she said. "I'm trying to concentrate."

He just continued his action.

"Chase..." Juno warned, trying to focus on her game. She felt his hand move to touch the side of her face, caressing her soft skin. "Stop. Trying. To. Distract. Me."

"I'm just showing my beautiful wife attention."

"Well, I don't want your attention right now."


He moved his hand down under her chin, stroking it with the back of his finger.

"Chase, seriously." Juno said. "I want to win this... Mmmh." she felt herself starting to relax from his touch.

"You always liked it when I did this." Chase reminded as he continued to stroke her chin. "You've always been a big cat, Juno."

Slowly, she closed her eyes, her game forgotten for the moment. She leaned closer into his touch, sighing peacefully.

"How adorable you are." the Heylin warrior gave a small smile as he stared at her.

He leaned down and was about to kiss her when a sudden sound went off. Juno's eyes snapped open and she quickly sat up, banging her forehead against her husband's.

The Xiaolin Dragon King: First ArcWhere stories live. Discover now