Saving Juno

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Welcome back, everyone. Last time: Chase had succeeded in turning Juno to the Heylin side. The monks will have to face their now evil leader while trying to figure out to turn her back to normal. They have their work cut out for them. Be sure to leave a comment or two. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC.


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc


Chapter Nineteen: Saving Juno


It had to be a bad dream, a nightmare the monks were all having at once. They just couldn't wrap their heads over what was happening.

"And now, Juno, we shall take our leave. You and I have much evil to spread."

"I'm looking forward to it." the redhead said, wrapping her arms around one of her husband's and sticking close to him. They turned to leave.

"Master Juno, please don't go!" Omi called, making her stop and turn her head to look back at the monks.

"Please stay!" Kimiko pleaded. "Please stay and we can find a way to turn you back to normal."

"Yeah, this isn't you, Juno!" Raimundo insisted.

"Save your breath, monks." Chase told them. "Juno now belongs to evil with me, I wouldn't interfere if I was you."

"Master Juno..." Omi looked at the female warrior with begging eyes. "Please."

Juno gave them a cool, blank stare. Then she smiled, but it wasn't her usual kind smile. She stomped her foot and sent a trail of sharp rock spikes at the monks. They all jumped away, narrowly dodging the attack. If they waited a second later, they would have been skewered.

"That was just a little warning this time." the redhead told them, smirking coldly. "The next time we see each other, don't get in my way."

They stared at her in shock and disbelief.

"Until next time, children." Juno said, turning back around. "Let's go, Chase."

"Of course, darling." the Heylin warrior smirked.

The monks were too stunned to move as the couple disappeared in a flash of bright light. They could hardly believe what just happened. It still felt like a terrible dream, but they knew it was real. All too real.

Juno, their leader and the Xiaolin Dragon King, had turned to evil.



In just under an hour, the area around the temple had completely changed. The land had become barren, no grass or trees anyway. The sky was no longer blue, just dark and gray and filled with smoke from volcanos that had once been mountains. It was all so... frightening.

"Sure is funny how much the world can change in a day." Clay remarked, heading inside with the others.

"How is this possible?" Kimiko questioned. "Juno, of all people, going to the Heylin side?"

"Yeah." Dojo said, holding a razor in his hand. He was beside Master Fung, who was sitting still in a chair with wheels. "The smart money would have been on Raimundo again." he shaved the foam that was on the older monk's lower face. "No offense."

The Xiaolin Dragon King: First ArcWhere stories live. Discover now