The Return of the Xiaolin Dragon King

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This story is a retelling of the Xiaolin Showdown series, a show I loved as a kid, with my very own OOC. I hope you all enjoy it. P.S. this takes place sometime after episode 24. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC. Also, the cover and picture above where down by the amazing HeavenedWolf.


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc


Chapter One: The Return of the Xiaolin Dragon King


1,500 years ago, there lived a female warrior who went by the name of Juno. She possessed incredible beauty, intellect, and unbelievable power. Juno obtained her powers from the Xiaolin Dragon King, the dragon who protected good, and was considered the strongest Xiaolin Warrior to ever live. She even aided in the defeat of Heylin witch Wuya. Unfortunately, Juno lost her life at a young age and the powers of the Xiaolin Dragon King were lost for many, many years. No one knows if the powers, or Juno, will ever return...


"That's what most people believe anyway." Dojo said to the four young monks as they sat under the shade of one of the trees inside the Xiaolin Temple. "I for one believe Juno is gonna come back any day now."

"You knew her personally, Dojo?" Kimiko asked curiously.

"I sure did, way back when I was still with Dashi. Boy, she was amazing, that Juno. Came as a real shock when she died, but even she knew that being the Xiaolin Dragon King didn't make her totally invincible."

"Was she really considered to be the strongest Xiaolin Warrior?" Omi questioned.

"Was she really as beautiful as you say she was?" Raimundo added.

"Yes to both. She could control all of the elements, was highly skilled in martial arts, and had incredible Xiaolin magic, even Dashi was hesitant to go up against her in a full on fight. And Juno turned heads everywhere she went." Dojo said. Then he sighed a bit sadly. "I sure wish you kids could have gotten to meet her, you could have learned a lot from her."

"She sure sounds like a one of kind type of lady." Clay remarked.

"That she was. Juno might be gone now, but I'm confident that she, and the powers of the Xiaolin Dragon King, are going to come back."

"You sure, Dojo? I mean, it has been a long time." Kimiko told the dragon.

"I've waiting for fifteen hundred years, waiting a bit longer won't hurt none."

"Pardon me, young monks."

"Master Fung." Omi stood up with the others when the older monk walked over to them.

"Forgive my interruption, but there an important matter I believe you all must deal with."

"What is it?" Raimundo asked.

"Follow me and I will show you."

The monks and dragon followed Master Fung to where the gazebo was located. There, sitting in front of the short table was a young, very pretty woman who appeared to be in her late teens. She had long dark brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and was average in height. She was also wearing sneakers, black shorts, and a white tank top under a denim jacket. Her body was also noticeably well developed and curvaceous with ample hips, a slender waist, and large, voluptuous breasts.

The Xiaolin Dragon King: First ArcWhere stories live. Discover now