Dangerous Minds

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Hey, everyone, so glad to see you all again. I hope you're ready for this chapter. The adventure this time might be a bit too much for Juno to handle, though. Read to find out why. Be sure to leave some comments as you read along. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC.


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc


Chapter Sixteen: Dangerous Minds


(Miles beneath the Earth's surface)

Dojo was leading the Xiaolin Warriors down a stone trail that would lead them to the new Shen Gong Wu that was revealed, passing by waterfalls made of lava.

"Whew! I feel hotter than a cooked pig at a Texas barbecue." Clay said, sweating along with the others.

"Why did you have to stash the Wu so far underground, Dojo?" Raimundo asked.

"So no one would find it." the dragon replied, a flashlight helmet on his head. "Even me."

"I say we all go swimming after this." Juno spoke up, getting positive responses from the monks.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake and something shot out of one of a rock walls. Four long blurs appeared in the Warriors' vision and numerous holes were made in the walls. Then the mysterious beings showed themselves by shooting out of the ground, revealing to be four, large worm-like creatures. However, upon closer look, they were actually robots with drills for mouths that opened and showed sharp blades for teeth. The robots had the Warriors surrounded when they saw someone come out of the shadows from above.

"Jack Spicer, why are you always on my face?!" Omi pointed at the taller boy.

"That's in my face, gnome-boy." Jack corrected, standing on top of one of the worm robots. "Now, say hello to my new and improved Worm-Bots!"

Two more Worm-Bots shot out of the ceiling.

"Why in tarnation would anybody build robotic worms?" Clay questioned.

"Hey, hat-for-brains, for digging!" the young villain answered as if it was the most obvious thing. "Worm-Bots, attack!"

The Warriors jumped out of the way of one of the Worm-Bots, which drilled into the ground when it missed them. The team did their best to dodge and attack the robots as the area was shaking from all the fighting and digging going on. The Warriors got backed up against a wall and the Worm-Bots inched towards them. They lunged forward to attack, but came to an abrupt halt. Everyone looked and saw that the bodies of the robotic worms had gotten tangled up in a large knot during the scuffle.

"Worm-Bots, get your worm butts back in line!" Jack ordered.

Then the ground started to shake again and the ceiling fell apart, a large piece of it landing on and destroying the tangled Worm-Bots. Another piece hit the Worm-Bot the redheaded boy was on and he fell to the ground along with it.

"That's what too much digging gets you." Juno remarked.

A part of the wall crumpled and revealed an opening into another area. Inside it was a pillar, which had the Shen Gong Wu that they were looking for resting on it.

The Xiaolin Dragon King: First ArcWhere stories live. Discover now