The Deep Freeze

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Hello, all my beautiful readers, time for another chapter of The Xiaolin Dragon King, I'm having a lot of fun writing this story. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well. To those who are curious, I do plan on having The Xiaolin Dragon King to go on for five or six arcs. The first two will follow the episodes of the Xiaolin Showdown series, while the third arc will be based off of Xiaolin Chronicles, but won't follow it exactly, and the rest will be set after them. Until then, enjoy the first arc.  Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC.


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc


Chapter Five: The Deep Freeze


It was sunny and warm on the monks' day off at the Xiaolin Temple. The perfect day for swimming and relaxing.

"Whoo! Still can't believe Juno talked Master Fung into giving us a day off." Raimundo said as he and the others went outside, wearing their swimsuits.

"I know." Omi agreed, wearing floaties on his arms while an inner tube was around his body. "It is so unlike Muster Fung, especially when we have so much to learn."

"Easy there, partner, you gotta learn to chill." Clay told him.

The short monk blinked at him.

"You know, kick back."

Omi blinked again and shrugged.

"What Clay means, Omi, is that while training is important, so is taking the time to relax." Juno said as she joined them outside, wearing the swimsuit they bought for her the other day. "Even the best warriors take time to step back and take a breath. Overdoing yourself isn't always the best thing."

"Yeah, what she said." Raimundo agreed. "Now let's get this day off started."

"I'll get the barbie going!" Kimiko said, heading over to where the grill was set up. "Eye of Dashi!" she held up the Shen Gong Wu towards the sky and lightning shot out, making contact with a cloud that was overhead.

A bolt of lightning came out of the cloud and hit the grill, starting it up and making it ready for them to put meat patties on.

"Fist of Tebigong!" Clay used his Wu to make a large hole in the ground that was just deep enough.

"Orb of Tornami!" Omi used his Wu to fill up the hole with water in a matter of seconds.

"Ah, what a perfect way to put the Shen Gong Wu to use." Juno said, sitting down on a towel and pouring some sunscreen into her hand.

"Need some help with that sunscreen, Juno?" Raimundo asked, winking at her.

"I'm good, thanks. But maybe you could ask something else if they need it." she told him as she rubbed the cream on her arm, looking at Kimiko. "I'm sure she would appreciate it." she gave a small smirk.

"Yeah, you're right. Need any help, Kimiko?"

"I-I don't need any help, thank you." the Japanese girl replied, turning away from the male monk as she started to blush.

"Aw, she's being shy." the redhead said.

"She is, that's so cute." the Brazilian grinned.

"You both suck!" Kimiko yelled at them, blushing even more.

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