Revealed Past

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Welcome back, everyone, it's time for the next chapter of the Xiaolin Dragon King. This one will be diving deeper into Juno and Chase's past and how the female warrior first died fifteen hundred years ago. I must warn you, this is going to be very sad, so prepare yourselves for it, I won't keep you waiting any longer, we'll get right to it. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OOC.


The Xiaolin Dragon King: First Arc


Chapter Seventeen: Revealed Past


Juno couldn't help but think that today's weather was attuned to her mood. The sky was completely covered with dark clouds that had been pouring rain since this morning and showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. Yes, this gloomy weather suited her feelings perfectly.

She was standing in the temple garden, picking from the flowerbeds and tucking the flowers into her arm. With a wave of her hand, she used her powers over water to prevent the raindrops from falling on her, keeping herself dry. When she had gathered enough flowers of different size, shape, and species, Juno went over to the cherry blossom tree and broke off a small branch that was covered in the petals. She set it with the rest of the bundle in her arm and went back inside.

The female warrior placed the flowers and branch on a table and just stared at them silently. After she was reborn and regained her memories, she learned just how close it was to the day she dreaded. She honestly would have preferred to be reborn after the date, but it was probably better to face it sooner than later. She wondered if her husband would be at the very spot where that terrible day occurred.

"Aw, man, it's still raining." Raimundo remarked, bringing the redhead out of her thoughts, as he looked out the window with the others. "Looks like it's inside soccer today."

"No playing ball in the house, kids." Juno told them as she started to rearrange the flowers and branch she had picked.

"Oh, Master Juno, what will you be teaching us today?" Omi asked her.

"About that, I actually have somewhere I need to be today, so you guys have a day off."

"Yes, free time!" Raimundo cheered, pumping his fist in the air.

"Where are you going on a day like this?" Kimiko questioned the taller girl. "Are you going to see Chase?"

"Not exactly." Juno answered, her focus on the arrangement she was making. "I'm going to go see my daughter."


Everyone stood in silence for a moment.

"Eh?!" the monks exclaimed with wide eyes. "You have a daughter?!"

"Yup." the redhead replied, her back still to them.

"A daughter with Chase Young?" Raimundo asked.

"Who else?"

"Why are we just hearing about this now?" Clay questioned.

"I never really thought to bring it up until now." she told them.

"I cannot believe it, Master Juno's daughter." Omi jumped onto the table. "She must be a strong warrior, just like you."

Juno made no reply, her eyes still on her flower arrangement.

The Xiaolin Dragon King: First ArcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora