Chapter Twenty-Seven - Behind Curtains

Start from the beginning

"Well, well. Guys, why are we waiting here in this warm sun instead of going down to get some fresh, cold air?" he suggests.

They follow Fenjarrik. Xeodas didn't say anything yet. She doesn't talk much as she prefers him to do it. She is more so the one representing his ideas and words to the outside world, as most people tend to care more about a female presenter.

"Oh, my damn. This feels so much better!" says Wang releasing a heavy breath.

He walks inside, holds his arms to the side, closes his eyes, and enjoys the air conditioning.

"Yeah, it's pretty chilly in here. Nobody likes to stay down there with the sun burning your clothes," replies Fenjarrik.

They walk further inside the palace. Golden strings wrapped around the pillars, golden stairs, and silver linings everywhere. Paintings all over the place but not about the cosmos about the world. The Pacific Ocean, time square with tourists back from forty-years ago. Las Vegas and their Caesars Palace that shut down many years ago. People enjoyed it there, living a harmonious life with no worries.

The group follows them upstairs. Red carpet lies on the floor, reaching the office to them.

"Seat yourself. You want something to drink, guys?"

"Yes, I'd like to have whiskey, stirred for twenty-minutes, and served with some dark chocolate."

Fenjarrik looks at him with a frustrated grin as he raises an eyebrow at him. "Any other wishes, captain snowflake?"

"Well, if you ask me like that, how about—"

"No, we are good. Just give us some water, thank you." Alphonse interrupts Rory and looks at him, menacing.

"Anyways, I am glad you were able to come. I wanted to talk to you because of the way it works right now, it doesn't. You, I mean we, need to change something. Maybe adding some rules or cutting off some of the old ones."

"What do you mean by we need to change something? Could you be a bit more specific, please?" Alphonse shortens his eyes.

"You see, as of right now. People are rioting, demanding revolution and change over some courses. Even go as far as to kill each other," he smiles still. "If this continues, slowly, we are losing our power. We will lose the people. If we want to save the rest that still belong to us, we need to take drastic measurements."

"And what did you think of?" asks Rory.

"We have to control every aspect of each individual. Not just with the drones, not just by separating them with clothes," he starts to move his hands as he speaks. "Every single doing of theirs is in our hands, completely. We need to agree or disagree if they change something. And to those who dissent us."

"How exactly?" asks Alphonse.

"They will get a public execution to show the world, the people, what will happen if they disobey. To live in peace and harmony, we have their fate in our hands, or they have faith in their hands."

"I like that idea. I actually would volunteer for the position to make the executions," says Rory gracefully.

Alphonse starts to think. "I was thinking of changing the laws about the essential workers. But this one sounds a bit, how can I say. Too much?"

"Xeodas, would you be so kind as to bring me my paper? Thank you."

She nods and steps out.

Rory looks around him; the entire wall is filled with books about anything.

"What are these books about?" he asks, aiming at them.

"The world's history. Every single war, pandemic, and other things that happened in the past."

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