Chapter Twenty-Six - Mistrust

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"Yes, like what if he is some kind of guy from Antares and sneaked inside to know how our Horizon work or how we work?"

Riley swallows. "He can't be one, no way. Because then Henry must be one as well."

"Not entirely. What if he uses Henry?" he looks at their frightened faces.

"No," Riley shakes her head and chuckles with tension. "They really seem to get along. There is no way Michael would do that."

"There is only one to find that out," adds Wylie.

"You know, guys," Logan puts his hands on their shoulder. "Thanks for the help. I appreciate it. And yeah, there is only one way. If I ask him."

"Is he really going to ask him now?" he asks as he looks at Logan walking out.

"I don't know." Both start to think coordinated, looking up the ceiling.

"I am kind of hungry. You think we should get something?" he says.

"Yeah, that would be a good choice."

The next day, he waits in front of Michael's room to catch him as soon as he walks out. He looks at his watch nervously; it's past nine. He should come out soon.

The door opens as a slight yawn comes out. He seems tired, but off he still goes.

"Hey Logan, good morning. What are you doing here?"

Logan looks at him. He doesn't feel confident enough to ask. "I am," he looks around and swallows. "I was just uhm—"

"You were waiting for me to pick me up?" he looks at him with a grin.

"Yes, that is exactly what I wanted to do," his voice trembles.

"Okay, then let's go?"

Logan looks down, feeling ashamed of himself. Why is he unable to say anything? Why is he unable to seek the truth he deserves to know? Might it really be his concern of the fact that he would become an enemy once he knows?

Logan can't cope with this.

He wants to shake it off, his doubts, and his accusations towards him as a person. Maybe he's not part of Antares. Perhaps he never was. Maybe, just maybe, he's someone who knows what it means to fight a war.

Michael can do the things Logan might not be able to.

Henry is still lying in his bed, crouched. He doesn't feel like training anymore. Doesn't feel like fighting. Henry's thoughts seem to be in the loop. He wonders how he can cope, to fight or beat them. Everyone around doesn't face the same problems. Everyone can just push a button, and they are free from all those tearing thoughts.

He crawls back into his blanket.

"Henry. You need to wake up. It's past ten already. You're way late. Either you come out now, or I'll come in and force you to." Darryl has been knocking for the past five minutes.

"Leave me alone," he shouts, muffled.

"What is wrong with you?" he asks.

"There is nothing wrong with me. I just want to be alone, okay?" he lifts his tone.

Darryl sighs. "Whatever then. But don't come out if we have a mission either."

"I don't care anymore!" he roars at him.

Darryl walks away as Henry seems to be getting angrier. There is no way he can calm him down. He talks to the rest and tells them what's up with Henry.

"Guess we won't be seeing him in a while," he exhales.

"Shouldn't someone try to talk to him?" asks Mayumi.

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