He said nothing in return.

Annie: That's what I thought. Stop getting so sentimental. I can handle this just fine.

Reiner: Atta girl, Annie! Don't worry; I trust you can see this through.

I opened the door to the mess hall for my friends and me and struggled not to look directly at the trio.

Reiner: Ah, and there she is. You really scored with this one, Annie!

She glared at him.

Reiner: Yeah, yeah. We'll be outta your hair. Have fun!

Tybur: 'This is our first shot at softening that shell of hers. Let's see you work your magic.'

Y/n: 'Oh, come off it!'

Mikasa: Go on. Sit with her.

I waved her off dismissively as I made my way towards Annie.

Sasha: Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

I groaned as I sat down.

Y/n: Hey, Annie.

She just looked at me, absentmindedly pushing her eggs around.

Y/n: Right, okay. So you asked me to sit here only to not speak? Cool. I'm go gonna get my breakfast.

I got up and headed straight for the food line.

Tybur: 'What as that? You sat there for, like, two seconds!'

Y/n: 'It is too early for her bullshit, and It's way too early for yours. Just...just please leave me my mornings? I feel like they're all I have left.'

Sasha: Trouble in paradise?

Y/n: Something like that. She'll come around.

Mina: They always do, don't they?

Y/n: Yup! Hey, Mina...wanna be my partner for today? I'm kinda sick of going solo.

Mina: Of course, Y/n! You're a great partner!

Sasha: What?! But what about me? You're just gonna act like I don't exist?!

Y/n: Aw, Sash, no! It's just...I don't get to spend much time with Mina.

Sasha: No, no. I see how it is. I'm being replaced.

Sasha grabbed her food tray and left Mina and me alone in the line.

Mina: Maybe we should've included her?

I waved my hand dismissively as I grabbed my tray next, followed by Mina grabbing hers.

Y/n: Nah, she'll be fine once I shove some bread in her face. She'll forget all about it.

Mina: If you're sure...

She paused for a moment before speaking again.

Mina: Hey, you really should sit with Annie.

I opened my mouth to protest, but she cut me off.

Mina: I know she can be a bit cold and abrasive, but that's just how she was raised. I mean, she liked you enough to ask you out, didn't she? Just give her some time and be patient. Show her you care. You're such a sweetheart, Y/n. Just...show her what I see in you, okay?

I frowned as I couldn't even come up with a rebuttal to her words.

Y/n: Okay, fine. But only because you're willing to vouch for her.

Mina: Yaay! Now shoo!

Y/n: 'If I wasn't doing this to save hundreds and thousands of people....'

Tybur: 'You're doing well. Keep it up.'

I sat down at the table, but this time I said nothing. I decided to dig into my breakfast and refuel my energy.

Y/n: 'Um...so my muscles are still sore? Is there a quick fix for that, or...?'

Tybur: 'No, there's not. You will need to work through it. You never know when you may find yourself in a situation where you will need to fight for extended periods of time.'

Y/n: 'Bah! Why can't we have quick fixes for stuff like this?'

Tybur: 'Because a quick fix will not teach you how to stay alive, hard work will.'

Y/n: 'Alright, I get it.'

I stopped with a bite of food halfway to my mouth as I sensed Annie staring at me.

Annie: Sorry.

I raised my eyebrows.

Y/n: 'She even has difficulty apologizing...?'

Y/n: Apology...accepted? You didn't exactly do anything wrong, Y'know.

Annie: I was...difficult, cold. That's not being a good girlfriend.

Y/n: I know you and relationships don't exactly click, so it's okay. I'd rather you be comfortable than force yourself to make me more comfortable. If you don't like to talk? Fine, I'll sit in silence. Don't wanna hold hands? We can walk side by side if that floats your boat. Don't do anything that will make you uncomfortable, okay? 'Cause then I will be, too. I'll also admit that I left too quickly. I've got a bad temper; so I'm sorry, too.

She just stared at me as I continued to eat.

Annie: What exactly is it that you see in me?

I froze mid-movement again but forced myself to relax with a deep breath, putting my arms on the table and leaning over them.

Y/n: How about this: When you can answer that question, ask me again if I were to be asking it. I'll give you my honest answer.

She watched me for anything that would be a giveaway.

Annie: Okay.

After that, we ate in comfortable silence, enjoying breakfast.

Annie x F!Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now