Start from the beginning

They then heard loud stomping, and soon, one of the kiln trees exploded, and out comes the golem. Acting fast, Soul transforms for Maka to wield, and Ann brings out Harvester. However, their eyes widen as they see a soul coming from it.

Maka: that's impossible! Golems aren't supposed to be living.

Ann: this one is, and something tells me there's more to it.

???: right you are, Ann.

Shocked, Ann looks to see Moria making her way out and standing next to the golem.

Ann: (glares) Moria...

Moria: you remember, how good. I've been looking forward to this. (Looks at Maka) so, this is your precious baby sister, huh? She certainly doesn't look the part.

Ann: keep her out of this!

Moria: now that's cute. Getting all protective and caring. (Looks around) guess it's a good thing Jason's not here, or he'd be pissed at missing a chance to fight your partner if he was here.

Ann: guess it was a coincidence we went solo for the day. So, what's your deal here?

Moria: I'll let Giriko here explain the living statue.

Said man told them about how he was using ancient techniques to send his mind throughout his family for eight hundred years with a total of thirty lifetimes. Reason being was because he hates Death's cause, and wants to destroy it and the students. He then transforms into a chainsaw and the golem was now wielding him and attacking Maka.

Ann: Maka! Soul!

Moria: pay attention to the opponent in front of you!

She brings out her spear, and forces Ann to fight her. Now, round two with them began as the two traded blows. Since neither had their partners, they couldn't trigger Soul Resonance, so it put them at an even playing field.

Moria: I've seen you've grown stronger.

Ann: Cole and I've been getting stronger since we met you and Jason. So tell me, why were you working with Medusa?

Moria: please, that bitch was nothing! My boss is much stronger then her, and came to Jason and I when we had nothing.

Ann: your boss?

Moria: you'll find out soon. But, we share a common future—one without the influence of guys like Death. People who look down on us and think we need to be punished.

Ann: that's because people like you are hurting others. We fight to keep monsters like the Kishin from hurting others.

Moria: it doesn't matter, cause it's pay back time!

They keep fighting, until they landed back near the others. They then noticed spiders were crawling up to the golem, and Moria suddenly stands back as the spiders gather. Soon, they see them taking shape of someone, and they too took the form of a tall woman in a black dress with claw sleeves hanging, black hair tied in a bun, pale skin, and when she opened her eyes, they were blue with a spiderweb in the iris. It was Lady Arachne, the mother of all weapons.

Ann's Thoughts: this soul... I've never seen anything like it.

Crona: (terrified) L... Lady Medusa?

Moria: DWMA, allow me to introduce you to Lady Arachne, the original creator of our weapons.

Arachne: thank you, Moria. It's good to see you again. And it's nice to meet you children. I've been looking forward to this. Maka, Soul, (both are briefly shocked) last night, you had a little argument, didn't you? Over who it was that burned the curry.

The Blind Meister (Soul Eater OC story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now