Episode 127: Paintball Panic!

Start from the beginning

Dawn: What's so funny, Kalos Kunt?!

Ash: (Oh no...)

Serena: Piplup?! Cute?! AHAHAHAHA!!!

Dawn: Hey, you better take that back!

Piplup: Piplup Piplup Piplup!! (You're pissing me off, Kalos Kunt!)

Serena: What you gonna do about it, Sinnoh Slut?!

*Dawn leaves the room*

Serena: HA! What a loser.

LRB: Ok, with Serena's haughtiness aside, anyone else have an-

*Dawn comes back with a lazer gun*

Dawn: Take it back. TAKE THAT BACK!! NOW!!

Ash: Dawn, what are you doing?!

Dawn: Nobody insults my Piplup and gets away with it!

Serena: You wouldn't DARE shoot me in front of Ash, would you?


Serena: You know Ash will never love you if you shoot me, right?!

Dawn: *growling*

*Dawn throws away the lazer gun and instead kicks Serena in the face*

Serena: OW!

Dawn: That's what you get!

Serena: WHY I OUGHTA...

*Serena tries to punch Dawn but misses and gets kicked again*

Dawn: Don't test me, b**ch.

Serena: *growling*

Emily: To be honest, you deserved it, Serena.

Serena: Oh shut up!

LRB: Well anyways, I'll be off now. I can't stay for too long or else Min and Nut are bound to do something stupid again... Later!

*LRB leaves the room*

SpongeBob: Well that sure was something...

*Chavo, Junior and Phoebe appear covered in paintballs*

Rin: What the?! What happened to you guys?!

Phoebe: Guys, we've got a problem! A BIG problem!

Kelsey: What's wrong?

Towa: Don't tell me the Hope Kingdom is getting threatened AGAIN!

Chavo: No, it's not that!

Haruka: What is it then?

Junior: April asked us to babysit her siblings while she was show duty, and then Quico came, and manipulated them into joining his quest to splat everyone in the show with paintballs!

Chavo: And to make matters worse, he kidnapped Patty!

Everyone: WHAT?!

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