"Your so dead" Jared shouted as he wiped my warm blood out of his face, looking disgusted as he did it.

Then George did something I didn't expect him to do. He pulled his gun out and took the safety out.

"Not if I kill you first" George said.

"Its fine George" I looked at George and turned back to Jared "but I really do wonder how your sister Sarah is doing"

"How do you know I have a sister" jared asked furiously twisting the knife to the side.

I groaned and starting laughing at his poor attempt at hurting me. "You see Jared, I'm one call away from just calling someone to kill your sister"

"It's your throat now" Jared said taking the knife out of my stomach and placing it on my throat.

Before Jared could do anything a gunshot was fired. George had shot him. George actually shot him.

"You mother fucker, you shot my leg" Jared cried as he dropped the knife and fell to the floor.

"Holy shit I actually shot you" George said with wide eyes and tucked his gun in his pocket. He shot him where there wasn't any arteries,  nothing fatal just like I taught him but this sadly meant that jared would be fine.

I smiled proudly but then my head started to feel like it was pulsating and my eyes felt like they could close any second.

"George I don't feel too well" I alerted.

George rushed to me and kneeled down to my level. Holding me in his arms he moved my hair from my forehead and kissed it.

George POV

"Hey, hey stay awake okay" I noticed that Dream's eyes were shutting. His body was slightly trembling.

"George they're staring" Dream coughed more blood and looked at the eyes that were engraved on us.

"I don't care, now stay awake okay?" I wrapped my arms tighter around his shoulders.

"George I don't know if it's too late to tell you this but...I love you" Dream said seconds before his eyes closed.

"No, no, please you can't do this" I begged but realized that I should try to stop the blood. How stupid am I?

I took of his shirt from his limp body and noticed  the three big gashes. "Fuck" I whispered under my breath and start to put pressure on the cuts.

It seemed to not be helping as the blood started to leak from the sides and my hands were starting to be stained with blood.

I stopped with the pressure. It was too late. He was gone. I kissed his forehead as I looked up to the ceiling almost like I'm begging for something or someone to protect him.

I pulled him in closer to my chest and put my head on the crook of his neck. Tears started to stream my cheeks. This couldn't be a goodbye.

Putting my head up so that I didn't get tears on Dream three people rushed into the room. Sapnap, Bad and Quackity. Their faces dropped at the sight.

"He's gone Sapnap, he's gone" I said as my voice cracked. I looked back at Dream and placed my hands on his chin, he felt so cold.

"Shit, what the hell happened" Sapnap said as he kneeled down and took off Dream's shirt. He winced straight away when he saw the cuts.

"Jared stabbed him but that doesn't matter, he's gone" I sobbed.

"No he can't be, Dream is stronger than this, help me get him up" Sapnap ordered.

I wiped my eyes and grabbed onto Dreams limp arms. Sapnap did the same and we both lifted him at the same time.

"Bad get your medical equipment ready" Sapnap said as he took Dream from my grasp and rested Dream in his arms.

Bad rushed out straight away.

"I'm going to take him to the library and Quackity stay here with the hostages, I'll update you" Sapnap goes to walk out but I stop him.

"Please let me come"

"Fine, come on" he said and then walked out, I followed behind.

We got to the library and there was a what looked like a hospital bed. Bad was also setting up the medical tools on a side table.

"Sapnap I need you to get blood bags" bad said.

"Alright George come with me"

I walked out with sapnap and got to the staff room where the blood bags were and then we headed back to the library.

Opening the door I see Bad start to pierce a needle in one of Dream's gash and start to stitch him up.

Bad worked as quick as he could. So when Bad finished stitching Dream up Bad started to do the blood transfer.

Bad had also connected Dream to an ECG to make sure Dreams heart was still beating which it was and we had to wait for Dream to wake up if he ever would.

Dream POV

I woke up to the sound of a beeping monitor and looked around, Bad was doing something, George and Sapnap were asleep on the sofa.

"Bad" I whispered.

"Your awake" Bad said smiling as his eyes start to get wet.

"I am" I smile at his reaction but confused on why he was nearly crying. Holy shit I was stabbed. I thought I died.

"George, Sapnap, he's awake" Bad slightly shouted.

George and Sapnap both started to wake up and their eyes widened as soon as they saw me, they both got up and rushed to me.

"Hi" George said grabbing my hand and holding it tightly.

"Hi" I smiled

"Alright enough of this lovey shit" Sapnap moved George to the side and engulfed me into a hug. I think sapnap knew about us but he was okay with it or maybe because he doesn't care right now.

"Sapnap my stomach" I grunted in pain.

"Right sorry, how are you doing bro and look I'm so sorry for being annoying"

"Sapnap it's fine and I should be the one saying sorry"

He immediately shook his head, denying what I was saying.

"and to be honest I'm feeling pretty shit but It will get better as Bad here is going to take care of me very well, right Bad"

Bad nodded, agreeing with me.

"Sapnap can I talk to George really quickly"

"Yeah sure" Sapnap said and then him and Bad walked out. I turned around to George who had teary eyes.

"I love you" he said.

Taken back by his words I smiled and pulled him in and kissed him. He returned the kiss and cupped my face.

"I love you too" I pulled away.

Daily reminder: you are worth and just know that whatever you are going through it will get better. Hydrate and go and eat something if you haven't already. I love you <3

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