Chapter 1: One flight to Barcelona

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Please keep in mind that this is in 2020 setting but there is no pandemic~ This is all a work of fiction. None of the story, characters, events and places are real~

week before;
"Yes mom, I already filed my leave. Yes! They said its a paid leave so we don't have to worry about it too much. Okay. Okay." Finally! After so many years of working I could finally get some vacation.

"Excuse me, where can I rest for a while?" I asked the front desk. This is my first time flying to a city I have never been to and flying without anybody I know. This is nerve-wracking honestly.
I handed my passport and ticket. The manager was talking to the female staffs and they kept on murmuring on the sides. Honestly too nervous to think about it.

"Ms. Cruz, I apologize. It seems like we have issued two same tickets and somebody has already boarded. To give our outmost sincerity, we will giving you first class tickets to fly you to your destination" hmm. That's kinda weird but lucky I guess? I nodded and thanked the manager. She assisted me to a lounge.

While roaming around, I heard some murmurs from the staff. "gosh! She's so lucky! She was just supposed to be upgraded to business but the flights are all booked and the only available was the first class flight that somebody booked for just himself"
"Shush, don't be too loud. I wonder who would assist them" "oh please. He wouldn't look at her." "I'm probably better looking than her I could easily seduce him" "you're crazy" they were chitchatting as if some rich guy is a treat but I mean who could blame them... they have their own dreams.

I ate at the lounge. Some salmon was nice and tasty but I still couldn't get over my anxiety creeping back in.

"Ms. Cruz, you can now board your flight. Please come with me" the staff member said.
"Uhm.. is it true.. that uhm.. I'm sharing this flight just with one person?" I asked while cautiously walking as my knees are starting to grow weak.
"Actually.. yes it is. We highly advise to not bother the other passenger on board"
"But.." I started to become more nervous.. my inner true crime thoughts are creeping but I shake my head and refuse these thoughts.. honestly.. I wouldn't get murdered here right?

I was searching for my seat but I'm assuming the guy would probably pick center or front seats? So I went for a safe option window side right. 18h hours. 18 freaking hours. I can do this. I can survive this. Quickly I removed my makeup and tried to sleep. If I'm asleep I wouldn't be able to see the guy right? Right.

After 4 hours in the flight~

I heard some paper rustles. I'm not easily awaken by noise but for paper rustles I'm definitely keen on. Why? Some past trauma but it's not important.

"Oh. I'm sorry have I woken you up?" I just heard the most familiar voice ever. My heart skipped. "Ah.. no it's okay. Thank you" I said as I try to wakeup grabbing my phone. "shoot 4hours only?" I groan as I'm thinking of how I could keep myself entertained for the remaining hours that I'll be here with this— "Yo—You're" words I never would have imagined I'd say in my entire life as I see his eyes straight into mine

"You know me?" He smiles shyly, making his eyes sparkly more than ever.

"Uhm.. I—.. You.. How—wwhy" My heart's probably pumping too much right now I can't think straight.

"Are you awake yet?" He chuckles.
"Yeah.. just.. gimme me a minute"
"We have plenty of time" He smiles again.

Sooo wait. What exactly happened.. Why is he in this seat.. and why.. like how. Make it make sense. I was trying to wrap my head around thing's that happening right now.. he spoke up

"So I.. I only came over.. because you were asking for help.. I saw you were in distress from a nightmare i think.. then you held my hand so.. I just let you be" He scratches the back of his head. "I'm Lance btw, Lance Stroll" he smiles again..

I think I could melt. I really think I couldn't believe this.. This seems like a dream..

"I'm.. Lily.. Lily Cruz" I said in response. I could feel and hear my heart. The silence of the whole plane bothers me so much. I was worried if he can hear my heart. I'm such in awe of this moment.

I like watching F1 racers with my dad. i've taken quite an interest on it. Especially.. especially on him.
I— I have a crush on him.

"Soo.." we both spoke on the same time then laughed but then awkwardness started to sink in.

"I'm sorry I must've disturbed you when I was having nightmares"
"No.. it's fine I understand how it feels"
"Thank you.. for.. this" i gestured something circly around us. He chuckles
"It's a pleasure to help a damsel in distress. So.. barcelona huh? Business or pleasure?"
"Ahh yeah.. pleasure definitely" I smile.

I began to contemplate if I should tell him that I know him or not. Can I not act as his fan? Ughh but its hard.. seeing your idol so close.. my heart's gonna explode from feelings.. as I began imagining I think I began to blush

"how long are you going to stay in Barcelona?"
"Around 1-2 weeks I guess.." I answered knowing damn well.. I was going to watch him race.. or so try if I can get tickets or if I could afford them.. I sighed but he heard that.
"Barcelona is beautiful. You'll have a great time"

This bit of awkwardness is gonna kill me.

I was scrolling to my instagram while he was working on his laptop beside me.. still.
I could sense something.. but I dont know what it is or what its called.. while thinking I was just randomly scrolling pictures..

"you like Leclerc?" He asked pointing at my phone. "I what—" glancing to my phone I quickly scrolled in. Stupid me how could I be careless, I both like them race but I forgot that I follow them both on instagram. How could I thoughtlessly scroll here. Ohgosh

"Uhm.. no.. i dont"
"I saw you looking at his post" he kinda frowns. Ofcourse he would.. why wouldn't he. He's the one beside me and yet.. I'm looking at another racer.
"Uhm.. it's just on the suggestions I didn't really—"
"Relax. I'm just kidding" he chuckles.

"I need to go to the loo—" The plane was spacious but since he was his legs up.. I tried to pass around him. "Are you hungry?" He asks.
"Uhm yeah.. maybe just some snacks and a drink would be good" then i proceeded to the loo.

Now.. ofcourse! He's handsome. I had a crush on him months now.. but ofcourse this is just my imagination. I seem like a chill girl but.. I'm not entirely like that. I.. shit.. since this is a dream I should probably make it the best dream ever no? Yes. Yes. I should be as natural as ever. While collecting my thoughts.. I think I'm good now.. I'm getting real cold here I should probably head back.

"What do you drink? Wine? Champagne? Beer? I think they've got everything" He asks as I'm walking towards him.
"what will you be having?" "Let's try their champagne" "sure. Why not"

We clanked our glasses and drank.
After a few drinks... I think I was starting to let loose and be myself again.
We've been talking for hours about random things, random funny things, random general life.
It was all going to well.. all too well.. that we finished the whole bottle. I felt quite drunk, cold and a bit sleepy. We were laughing then we got silent.

Everything is starting to get fuzzy. His beautiful eyes that I'm so curious about, wondered around my face.. like he was studying it.

This silence I would probably say is the loudest ever in my life. It was as if it is the calm before the storm. The storm I knew was dangerous to begin with.

Book 1: Oh love, how could I forget~ (Lance Stroll)Where stories live. Discover now