Chapter 13: kidnapped

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Aveline's pov:
I woke up with a torturous headache and a sharp pain in my stomach. I groaned and slipped on my underwear followed by one of Marshall's shirts. I bent over in agony and groaned again. Marshall shot up and was by my side rubbing my back. "You okay Ave?" He asked worryingly. I shook my head no and curled up in a ball on the ground. "You need blood Aveline. Do you want some?" Marshall asked cautiously. I nodded "please" I said with disgust and pain written all over my face. Marshall left and I sat there breathing deeply. Something moved near the window causing me to spin around. Squinting my eyes to try and see in the dark but was hit over the head with something hard and knocked unconscious.

I woke up in a small concreted room. No windows. Just a big heavily locked door. I was hanging from the roof. Attached by two chains connected to my wrists. My legs dangling several feet from the ground. It felt like my arms were about to be ripped from their sockets. My stomach was doing flips and I was so hungry. I pulled at my arms trying to break the chains but I was unsuccessful. My head hanging in disappointment. I heard the door unlock and shot my head up. A woman in her late twenties walked in gracefully. She had long vibrant orange hair and aqua coloured eyes. A couple of freckles across her nose and cheeks and was pale. "Oh you're finally awake I see" she said as she walked towards me. "Who are you and what do you want from me" I spat at her. She threw me a surprised look and laughed. "You're quite feisty aren't you? I can see why Marshall liked you" she said while studying me. "But you're not anything special. Yeah you're pretty average" she simply stated. I glared at her. "You didn't answer my question" I growled. "Fine. Fine. My name is Elisabeth and I am Marshall's true mate" she exclaimed with a smile on her face. "What?" I asked completely confused. "I'm his mate. I have been for years. We even had a child together. I tried to tell you to stay away from him but you didn't listen. And now I am going to kill you." She stated with an evil smirk. "That was you in my dreams? You look nothing like that little girl" I said. She now threw me the confused look. "What are you on about Aveline. I just whispered to you while you were asleep. I didn't make you dream anything." She said. "What does you're daughter look like?" I blurted out. She eyed me cautiously before asking "why?" "I was just wondering" I said quietly. "Well if you must know. She had my hair. But Marshall's eyes and tan. She had my lips and nose but Marshall's smile." She said sweetly. "Where is she" I questioned. "She's dead" she answered with no emotion what so ever. "What happened to her?" I asked. "She was burnt alive" she said simply. Her description matched the girl in my dream exactly and the man must of been Marshall. But I was confused. "If you and Marshall are "true mates" why aren't you together?" I smirked. "That's none of your fucking business" she snapped. "He doesn't want you" I snapped back. She glared at me and threw a clear substance in my face. It stung like hell and had me squealing like a little girl. This only caused her smirk to grow. "What the fuck was that" I asked. "Rose meadow. It burns vampires skin" she replied smugly. "But I'm not a vampire?"I said. "Honey you're halfway there" she evilly grinned at me. "I plan on feeding you some blood and torturing you for the rest of your miserable eternity. I also will be going to get my Marshy back." She said smiling sweetly. I thrashed against my chains. "You'll never get away with this" I spat. She just laughed and walked out of the room.

It's been about two days. All I've done was hang here trying to think of a way to escape. It was useless. I wasn't strong enough to break free. And I sure as hell couldn't get in contact with someone to get help. I tried screaming as a last resort. My voice echoed through the room but that was about it. I hung there hoping Marshall would come to my rescue. But he didn't. Elisabeth walked back in and pressed a button on the wall. This unlocked my chains and let me fall to the ground with a thump. I groaned in pain and tried to get up and run but was caught by my hair. Elisabeth dragged me to a table where she pinned me down on top of it and cuffed me to it. She then pulled out a test tube of blood and forced it into my mouth. Pain shot through my whole body as fangs cut their way through my gums and dark purple veins appeared under my eyes. My eyes turning a blood red and I stated to shake uncontrollably. Like I was going into a fit. The silver cuffs burning my skin. I started to cough up blood. Elizabeth's face was riddled in confusion. "Well this isn't normal. It looks as though your body is rejecting the blood" she said. "It looks mighty painful" she said. "It is fucking painful" I spat and screamed in agony. She just shrugged her shoulders and left the room. My body was vibrating. Blood foaming at my mouth. Literally. My strength being drained by the second. My eyes slowly closed. As I stopped shaking.

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