Chapter 10: depressed

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Aveline's pov:
It's been 2 weeks. Three dreadful weeks since I've last seen Marshall. Since I've seen anyone. Since I've left my bed. I've had knocks on my door. They obviously weren't smart enough to realise I wanted to be alone but were decent enough to not barge in on me. I hadn't felt this depressed since my parents died almost 3 years ago.
It was an ordinary day. Saturday to be exact. I was 15 and me and my parents were going out for the day. We decide we would have a picnic in the nearby park. I remember sitting there conversing with my parents when it happened. My father was snatched up from the ground and tore into. I remember the horrifying screams my mother sounded as she tried to snatch my father away. "Run Aveline run" she yelled at me right before she was thrown and pinned to the ground. Her heart ripped from her chest. I ran and ran as fast as my legs would take me. I ran all the way home and locked all the doors and windows. Jumping under my bed and sobbing wishing my parents would come home and hold me. I had no other family. They were the only family I had. Days past and still no sign of them. I hadn't moved from my place under the bed. I decided to grab my phone and dial Neve. Six rings later and she finally picked up. "Hello" her voice echoed through the phone. "N-eve I-I need help" I sobbed. "What's wrong Hun" she babbled with concern lathered in her voice. "M-my parents. They w-were killed by v-vampires. I whispered slowly. The phone went silent. "N-n-Neve?" I questioned. "Hold on babe were coming stay there" she spoke calmly and hung the phone up. Everything was a daze after that. I remember the flashing lights from the police and ambulance cars. I remember the embraces and coos of comfort from Neve.

That was one day I wished that never happened. It was something I tried to forget. But I couldn't. I still remember my parents blood everywhere and my mothers heart being ripped from her right in front of me. I'll never forget that day. It haunted me. I got up and walked into the bathroom staring in the mirror. The girl staring back at me was not the happy Aveline I remember. She was tired. Sadness in her eyes. Big purple bags underneath them. Pale skin and cracked lips. Not to mention the amount of weight I had lost. I was miserable. I hopped in the shower hoping it would make me feel a little bit better. After my shower I trudged back to my bed. My stomach was growling but the pain of not eating had slowly subsided during these past few days. I wondered why Marshall hadn't came to apologise yet. Maybe he didn't love me. The small slither of hope I had was now completely gone. Along with what feelings I had left. I didn't want to feel anything. I didn't want to be alive. After ten minutes of contemplating what I should do I walked out of my room for the first time ever this week. I slowly slumped my way to the kitchen and searched through the medicinal section. Picking up a bottle of sleeping pills and a bottle of water before making my way back to my room. I locked my door then went into my bathroom and locked that too. I didn't want anyone to find me. I was halfway through the bottle of pills when I heard that oh so familiar voice and knock at my door. Marshall. "Aveline open the door please" he pleaded. Taking the last couple of pills I had while whispering "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you Marshall. Goodbye" with tears streaming down my face and laying down on the cold tiled ground waiting for the pills to work their magic. The next thing I heard was the smash of my room door and the jiggle of my bathroom door handle. "Aveline are you in there?" His voice sounded. I was too tired to reply as my eyes slowly dropped. Going in and out of consciousness. " move away from the door Aveline" he sounded before smashing the door off of its hinges and rushing to my side. Picking my head off the ground and placing it on his lap. "Aveline what have you done" he said tears streaming down his face. "I love you" I managed to squeeze out in a whisper before sleep consumed me.

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