Chapter 5: weird dreams

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Aveline's pov:
"Aveline. Aveline. Oh Avelineeeee" I don't know who was calling my name but her voice was angelic. "Tell him Aveline. Tell him please" she said " tell who what?" I asked the voice. And then I was in a garden. I walked along the sandstone path and looked at all the vibrant flowers blooming. About 10 feet in front of me was a young girl about 12 and a man walking hand in hand. The girl turned around and looked at me. But when I saw her face I almost gasped. It brought tears to my eyes. Her face was red and blistered like she had been burned alive. Her eyes were bloodshot and she had no lips. You could see her fangs come out, sharp and white, and she started sprinting towards me. I quickly turned around and started running. She whipped me around and threw me to the ground. Hovering only a couple of inches above me and started screaming "TELL HIM. TELL HIM AVELINE PLEASE" I screamed and bolted up from my bed. A cold sweat dripping from my forehead. Panting like I had just ran a marathon yet confused. What did that girl want. What happened to that girl and why did she attack me. I glanced at the clock that was placed on my bedside table. "4:55am" I mumbled and then sighed knowing that I wouldn't get back to sleep anytime soon. I slid out of bed and slipped on my uggs. I quietly opened the door and walked out and down the hall to get a glass of water. I was walking when I was suddenly pinned up against the wall looking at Marshall. His eyes full of lust and hunger. "Aveline what are you doing walking around dressed like that at this hour?" He purred I glanced down at what I was wearing, a strapless crop top and some pj shorts, and then blushed. My body was nearly exposed. This has happened way too many times I thought to myself. "I wanted a glass of water" I whimpered. He was gripping my wrists and it started to hurt and I struggled "let go of me" I whimpered again. "Oh but darling I'm hungry" he whispered. I started to panic "get the fuck off of me you mosquito" I struggled against his grip. Anger flashed through his eyes as they turned red and next thing I know I feel a sharp pain shoot through my shoulder. Marshall was ripping at my flesh and I could feel myself slipping from consciousness. I didn't even have the strength to scream for help. Not like any one would go against the prince to help me anyway. I started to see black spots and fell to the ground with a thump.

I woke up in a dark room. A slither of light coming through the tiny gap in the curtains. I looked around and noticed I was laying on a bed. A king sized bed to be exact and it wasn't my bed. The sheets black silk. I ran my fingers over the wooden frame where tribal carvings have been carefully indented into the wood. Not one imperfection. "Aveline your awake!" I jumped startled. I thought I was alone. I turn my head to look at Marshall as he took a step closer towards me. I scooted myself back until I hit a wall and brung my knees up to my chest. "What do you want" I squeak. "Look Aveline I'm so sorry about the other day. I was up and going to have a feed. I had no idea that you were going to be waltzing around in that attire" he gestured towards my clothing. "That still doesn't give you the right to attack me" I mumbled earning a glare from Marshall. "I'll do what I want with my potential wife's" he exclaimed. I was fuming at this point "I DON'T WANT TO BE YOU'RE FUCKING WIFE LET ME GO HOME" I yelled. Marshall was flabbergasted. "Now Aveline. You were chosen and you're just going to have to put up with that. You're never going home even if I don't pick you" he stated calmly. I felt tears prickling in my eyes. "You took me against my will when you already had six other girls" I whimpered. "Oh but darling. None of them got my attention quite like you did" Marshall said. "I didn't even do anything. I don't want to be here. I hate you" I said. "Well you'll learn to love me" he said. He said he attacked me the other day? I questions myself. How long have I been asleep for? I made a mental note to ask him about that. As soon as i thought that my eyes went black and I couldn't see anything but I could hear Marshall's voice faintly calling my name. But then that girls voice over powered his and started screaming "STAY AWAY FROM MARSHALL. HE'LL BLEED YOU DRY. YOU'RE NOT IMPORTANT TO HIM. HE"LL NEVER LOVE YOU AND IF HE DOESNT KILL YOU, I WILL" The voice cackled. My vision went back to normal and I scampered to my feet. Shaking uncontrollably. Concern written all over Marshall's face. "Aveline what did you see?" Marshall questioned. "Get away from me" I yelled "you're going to kill me" I whimpered again. "Aveline I would never hurt you" Marshall said sadly. "You're a liar" I stated as tears rolled down my cheeks. Marshall's thumb reaching up to wipe them away. I flinched at his touch. "If you don't kill me she will" I whimpered. "Who will" Marshall asked. "The girl that visits me in my dreams I don't know who she is" I whispered. Marshall pulled me into him, cradling me in his arms, while stroking his fingers through my hair. I don't know why but a sense of safety washed over me when he embraced me. "I won't let anyone touch you" Marshall softly cooed in my ear. He picked me up and laid me back on the bed and strolled out of the room like nothing happened. Confused and furious I got up and slipped my uggs back on that I found near the door. The hinges squeaked when I opened it and the floorboards creeked when I stepped on them but I didn't care who heard me. I quickly walked back to my room to figure out this mess that I've caught myself in.

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