Chapter 8: just a broken hearted girl

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Aveline's pov:
I woke up and stretched my arms out patting the bed where Marshall was suppose to be but to my disappointment he had vanished. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes I wondered where he had gone glancing back to where he once laid. I hopped off the bed chucking on one of Marshall's black t shirts over my underwear. It hung loosely on me and went down to about mid thigh seeing as I was only 5ft and he was about 5'9ft. I inhaled the scent of his t shirt immediately started smiling at the memory of last night. We confessed our love for one another. I was brought out of my trance by the grumble and discomfort of my belly. I hadn't really been eating well these past few weeks. I happily walked out of Marshall's room and into the dining room where all the girls were siting at the table eating their lunch. As soon as I walked in all their heads snapped towards me sending me daggers. I frowned and made my way to a spare seat and started devouring the food on my plate that had been set out for me. After lunch a girl named Laura spoke up "I see you had a fun night then" she said sarcastically. "Actually i had fun this morning" I said with a smirk on my face but it soon fell when I realised he hadn't even said that he was going to choose me. For all I knew he could be saying the exact same thing to every girl here. With that thought stuck in my head I sat there staring at the wall. My hypothesis was soon confirmed when Laura spoke up again "well me and Marshall have spent numerous nights together. He even said he loved me" she grinned smugly. I rose up out of my seat without saying a word and stomped out of the dining area and up to my room. Thrashing off his t shirt and jumping in the shower scrubbing every remainder he left on my body. After that I threw on tights and a light pink top with some nude pumps. I then walked out of the room and straight back to the exit. I didn't care what happened to me. My heart is shattered into a million pieces and I just feel numb. I skipped down the stairs and was nearing the exit when again I was stopped by the devil himself who held a confused look upon his face. "Aveline where are you going? What's wrong?" He questioned. I couldn't contain my anger anymore and just let loose on him. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU JUST USED ME. I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" I said while pushing him and choking back a sob. Marshall grabbed my wrists and held them against his chest "what are you on about Ave?" He asked softly "DONT YOU DARE FUCKING CALL ME AVE YOU YOU ASS WIPE. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT" I yelled in his face. "Tell me what's made you angry please Aveline" he pleaded keeping his calm. "You said you l-l-loved me" I sobbed. "I do Aveline I meant every word" he raised his voice a bit. "THEN WHY DID YOU ALSO SAY THAT TO THAT SLUT LAURA?!?" I screamed. I know I shouldn't call Laura that when I don't know her but she had Marshall first and I hated that. "I never said I loved her" Marshall whispered. I scoffed "well yeah that's not what she said after all you have spent "numerous" nights together" I quoted Laura's words. I pulled myself out of his grip and stormed off towards the stairs. I felt a whoosh and Marshall was again in front of me. "Aveline listen to me. I only slept with her to forget you. This happened after you rejected me and it was only once. It was awful and I regretted it straight after I did it. Please Aveline believe me." His said desperately. "Just leave me alone" I whimpered and walked off this time me leaving him standing there.
I stormed into my room and slammed the door shut sliding down it and landing in a heap on the floor. I sobbed and I sobbed wanting this pain to end. I was interrupted by a bang on the door. Thinking it was Marshall I swung the door open with my meanest glare only to be met by the sweet smile of Ame. She pulled me into her embrace and let me cry into her shoulder. She guided me over to my bed and held me in her tight embrace for the next five minutes before pushing me back and holding me by my shoulders. She gently whipped the tears off my face. "Oh Aveline darling. It was never going to work anyways seeing as a vampire can't be mated with a human" Ame said with a look of sympathy. I stopped my crying and looked at her like what she just said hadn't even transmitted to my mind. "W-w-what?" I stuttered. Ame just looked at me surprised and said "they didn't teach you this at school did they?" I shook my head no. "Well it's against the law for a vampire to mate with a human. He would have to turn you hun. Not anyone else. Him. For a vampire to be with a human they have to ask a royal for permission and then turn the human them self and seeing as Marshall is already a royal vampire he was probably either planing on turning you or messing with your head" she said sadly. Everything felt numb. I was just his personal blood bag. How dare he not tell me this. Why did he take me in the first place then? I'm sure he could of found a willing blood bag. Maybe he likes it the hard way? Maybe he liked the challenge, the fight. I heard Ame whisper to ask if I was okay and I just nodded and said "can you please leave. I'd like to be alone" Ame just nodded and threw me a sad smile before bouncing up and walking out shutting the door behind her leaving me alone with my thoughts. I laid down on my bed staring at the white ceiling wishing this was all just a bad dream. That's when it hit me. Me and Marshall were never gonna be together. We could never be together. It hit me like a ton of bricks right in the face. I rolled over facing the wall and let the waterworks begin. I cried and I screamed and I thrashed at my bed until I couldn't do it anymore. My head was pounding from the amount of crying I had done and my eyes red and puffy. Not to mention my throat was tender and scratchy.

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