Chapter 7: escape plan

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Aveline's pov:
I watched everyday in pain as Marshall flirted and laughed with all the other girls. I was jealous. I wanted to be the one who made him happy. Which drove me crazy. How could it be that I was slowly falling in love with him. I couldn't stop it. I craved him. It's like he has the magnetic pull on me. He's the only one I see but sadly the feeling isn't mutual. I was alone. I was always going to be alone. Never to feel his touch again. He didn't even acknowledge my existence. And that pissed me off but there was nothing I could do about it. I just had to sit here and hope maybe he'll confess his feelings for me. But I kept telling myself I didn't want that. I didn't want to be here. What happened to that Aveline? I was slowly changing. As horrific as it sounds part of me wanted to change. For him.

After 3 long painful weeks of watching the same thing happen over and over again, and everyday my heart breaking a little bit more, I decide it was time I hardened up and tried to find a way out of here. Yes I know this was dangerous but I didn't care. I wanted out. I know I had no family to go back to. To sob and let my heart break while they picked the pieces up and put them back together but I couldn't sit here watching this all my life. I forced myself off my bed. I put on my maroon sweater and made sure my converse were on properly so I didn't trip and fall. I didn't bother to tie my hair up because it would just fall out if I had to run. Run. Running is one thing I suck at. Especially against vampires but I'd do anything to get out of here even if it meant doing one of the things I hated to do. It was better then the heartbreak I was getting here. It was 6:30am. Probably not the best time to decide to be brave but I wasn't backing out now. I strolled out my door while closing it quietly and began to look for an exit. I walked down a couple of halls and down the steps that headed to the foyer. Trying to remember from when we were first brought here. I ducked down and tippy toed down the stairs. I poked my head around the railing to see if anyone was there. No one. Yes! As I went to make a run for the exit I was spun around and slammed into the wall. I had my eyes closed shut and could feel the breathing on my face. A sharp pain went through my back as I came into contact with the wall. My back was still tender. All I know is I was hoping it wasn't Marshall. I opened one eye slowly and immediately clenched them shut again after being met by Marshall's furious glare. "Aveline what the hell do you think you're doing?" Marshall harshly whispered. "Fuck" I mumbled "I just got lost that's all" I mumbled again. This got me a scoff from Marshall as he pushed himself away from me which I gladly opened my eyes to look at him. He ran his hands through his hair balling them up in frustration. "Don't lie to me Aveline" he raised his voice a tad. "I'm not lying" I whimpered. "Yes you are Aveline Waters" he pressed one hand on the wall beside my head. "Tell me the truth" he persisted pissed off more than ever. I gulped and looked into his eyes as tears welled in mine. "You didn't want me anymore. I wanted you I just couldn't admit it to myself and you had moved on. I came down here looking for an exit so I can rid you of me. I'm just a burden. When you grabbed me I was hoping it was another vampire who would put an end to my misery. An end to me" I sniffled. Marshall's face softened and hurt washed over him "Aveline you're not a burden, I never forgot you, I always wanted you! I only flirted with those other girls to forget about you. You rejected me. What did you expect me to do?!" Raising his voice at the end "not" I was cut off by Marshall yelling again "and to put an end to you? Are you that stupid Aveline. Why on earth would you ever think of hurting yourself. I love you" his said the last but in a whisper that was just audible.

"I love you" kept replaying in my mind as I gawked at him. I didn't know what to say I didn't know how I felt. I knew I had feelings for him but love? "Y-you love me?" I whispered still surprised by his sudden confession. Marshall sighed and lifted his head to my gaze "yes Aveline. I'm completely and utterly in love with you" I was frozen. "I-I-I" i stuttered but was cut off by Marshall "I know you don't feel the same and it's okay because I know you feel something Aveline. Just let yourself feel for me" Marshall pleaded. I-I don't know Marshall" I said quietly. "I don't want to tell you I love you in the spur of the moment type of thing but you're right I feel for you. My wall is crumbling and there's nothing I can do about it. I-I think I l-love you" I rambled my voice cracking at the end. Relief washed over Marshall's face and he didn't hesitate to slam his lips into mine. I automatically kissed him back. It was filled with love and passion. When I was with him I felt complete. Like it was just me and him in the world no one else. I didn't need anyone else. I knew now that I loved him. I pulled away and concern flashed on Marshall's face "what's wrong, did I do something, did I hurt you" Marshall rambled but I cut him off with a peck on the lips "stop talking for a second" I said in a hushed voice. And he gave me a slight nod gesturing for me to go on. I took a deep breath. "I don't know how you did it but you tore the walls around my heart down. I've fallen madly in love with you and I don't regret a thing. I'm in love with you Marshall and I want to be with you" I gushed and looked down in embarrassment. Marshall gently grabbed my chin turning my head to look at him. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that" he gushed. I grinned at him slamming my lips into his once more. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as he wrapped his arms around my waist his hands massaging my skin under my shirt. My hands traveled through his hair causing him to let out a throaty moan that turned me on even more. In a split second Marshall had run us up two flights and into his room pushing me up against the door, and ripped my jumper and shirt off in one go leaving me in my bra, causing me to groan in pain from my back slamming into the door. He detached his lips from mine with a guilty look on his face. I didn't even let him say anything before I pulled his face back into mine. Things were getting heated. He started trailing kisses down my neck. "Oh Marshall" I moaned as he started to suck. That was gonna leave a hickey for sure. I wanted him to bite me. I don't know why but I wanted to feel his teeth sink into my flesh. I wanted to feel him sucking my blood out as disgusting as it sounds I craved it. "Bite me" I said breathlessly. Marshall looked up at me surprised. "Are you sure?" He quietly said as hunger filled his eyes. I nodded ferociously. "I promise to make you feel good" he purred and started to sucky the skin at the nape of my neck. I gasped when I felt the two little pricks followed by his sucking. Pleasure instantly washed through every inch of my body. I freely let out moans as he clenched onto me tighter. Him letting out deep grunts and moans occasionally. He glazed his tongue over the bite when he was finished and reluctantly pulled away looking me in the eyes. I was panting even though we hadn't even done the "nasty" he pecked me one last time before carrying me over to his bed and laying down and cuddling up to me stroking his fingers delicately through my messy hair. "Can I see your back princess" he asked with a guilty face. I hesitated but nodded and turned over so I was laying on my stomach. Marshall unclasped my bra and traced the welts that were almost healed. "I'm so sorry Aveline I never wanted to hurt you" Marshall said. I flipped over and clipped my bra back up. "It's fine Marshall really it was my own fault" I sighed and gave him a peck on his lips. "Here drink some of my blood it'll heal right up. It's the least I can do" he said while biting his wrist and offering it to me. "No thank you" I said with a displeasing look on my face. "Please Aveline I can't stand to see you hurt" he said with a hurt expression on his face. Not wanting to see him hurt so I took his arm and slowly put it up to my lips. I squeezed my eyes shut and quickly sucked some from his wrist. It was awful. It tasted of iron and metallic. I screwed my nose up when I was finished while saying "thank you" Marshall lightly chuckled at my reaction " you look so adorable when you scrunch your nose up like that" which made me blush and screw my nose up again causing Marshall to chuckle again. He pulled me down so we were cuddling again. One arm under the pillow I was laying on while his other wrapped around my waist and our legs were tangled together. I could feel my eyes drooping and heard Marshall whisper "I love you" right before I fell into a peaceful, happy slumber.

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