"I have a great muse." I shrug my shoulders.

I know he understood who I was talking about but he doesn't push me to tell him more.

"We have to go to the interview, or we are gonna be late. I hope you're ready." He taps his watch with his fingertip in a motherly way.

"Yes, I'm coming."

I gather my book, my guitar and my phone before cleaning the space a little bit. Then I go to the car, thankfully no one is outside the hotel waiting to see me. I climb in the car and Jeff sits next to me. The car starts and my manager gives me a pile of papers.

I look at him with a confused look. "What is this?" I take the papers and realize when I start reading. This possibly cannot be...

"A paternity test? Really?" I snap at him.

"Harry, you have to do it. You're famous, you have money. Who says she's not just using you for that?"

"Oh my god don't you understand that I remember her? I remember that night when I slept with her! I can't believe you're doing this." I pinch my nose and close my eyes.

"Harry, please just do it." Jeff begs me.

"No! I said no. That's it I'm done talking about this." I rip the papers in small pieces and give them back to him. I close my eyes for a bit, trying to calm down before the interview.

"Okay all right I'm sorry. I'm just looking after you Harry, you're my friend and that's what friends do, they look after each other." He pats my shoulder gently.

"Well please mind your own business when it's concerning Violet." I say sternly.

When the car stops, I hear the screams of the fans around the studio, I prepare myself with the biggest smile I can offer and get out. I sign some autographs and take some pictures with them. As I sign a girl's picture, she does something surprising. Instead of asking me for a picture, she takes my hand and looks at me in the eyes.

"I want you to know that we don't know if the rumors of you being a dad are true but they are, the true fans are happy for you."

My eyes widen before my lips fade into a smile. I open my mouth to respond but get pushed by security to get inside. What this fan just said to me is repeating in my head. The true fans are happy for me? I really want to tell them, but I'm not one to share my personal life to the public. I stopped doing this when I started my solo career. I know I screwed up and blew my cover up when I did the gender reveal because I was too excited but it was worth it. I stop my daydreaming when I hear the interviewer call my name.

"Harry, nice to meet you! I'm Tim."

"Hi Tim, nice to meet you too, where are we going?"

He shows me the way to the studio. This is a radio interview which means it'll be in live. Usually I'm not nervous, but with the rumors going around me and Violet, I am. I really hope he won't ask me inappropriate questions. I don't want to talk about my sexual life. I don't know why people are so interested about my dating life, I'm just a normal person who deserves his privacy.

I put the headphones on, the studio crew put the mic in front of me and do some tests to be sure the sound was good. The interviewer enters the room with his questions written on a piece of paper.

"Harry we're on in 5..4..3..2..1"

"Hello everyone and thank you for choosing our radio! Today, as announced on our twitter we have a special guest... everyone please welcome Mister Harry Styles!" Tim says.

"Hello everyone!"

"So Harry, how's your tour going? We heard that you were at the end of it now."

"It's great! It means a lot that so many people come to see me, it's crazy! And yeah I only have 5 shows left, and one tonight here, In Seattle." I explain.

"Which show was your favorite by far?"

"New York night one." I reply without thinking. It was the night Violet surprised me and told me the gender of our twins. Obviously New York night 2 was also great, my first real kiss with Violet. After I kissed her, I felt like I was on a cloud during the whole show. She's like a drug that once you've tested, you can't stop.

Tim smiles. "Why this one specifically?"

Of course they want to know why. But I can't just say the truth, we are not ready to tell the world yet. Jeffrey told me not to talk about it, that he needed to figure things out first. I don't know what he meant but I am determined to find out. "I don't know, I had a great time and...the crowd was great I had a lot of fun dancing around the stage." I run my hand through my hair nervously.

"And you even had the chance to do a baby gender reveal!" He turns the page of his question book.

"I did. It was a real honor to do it. I'm very happy that some people trust me enough with this type of information." I don't hide the smirk taking place on my face. I know why they asked this question, I already know what the best question will be.

"Harry, there were some pictures that showed you and a young lady leaving the concert together, some fans even said that she was the pregnant girl whose gender reveal you did, can you explain to us?"


I see my manager behind the glass, he seems a little panicked. He doesn't want me to tell and I don't want either so we're good.

"This girl is my friend, I hadn't seen her in a long time so I was happy to see her there." I ignore the second part of the question and take a sip of my water.

"All right," He looks at his watch. "It's time for you to perform Sign Of The Times in live! Everyone this is Harry Styles."

I sigh in relief, it is finally over. I get up and go stand in the spot to sing. The music starts, I get ready and take the mic in my hands. I'm imagining I'm singing this for her. Since the time she told me it was one of her favorite song of mine's, every time I sing it I picture her in a corner of my head. I exhale and start to sing.

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