--𝔒𝔲𝔯 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤--

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The sound of my alarm and the feeling of my cat Bean rubbing my face woke me up. Yawing, I scratched Bean and shut off my alarm. Today was the day I had been dreading. Today I would be leaving my home of 2 years for Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Three days prior:

I received a letter from the owl post telling me that my mother had gone missing and that I would be coming to live at Hogwarts to be in the custody of my father, Sevirous Snape.

Back to starting time:

I got out of bed and looked at my now fully packed room. Only my roommate Delia's side was in its original state. She looked sad as she also knew what day it was. For two years, Delia had been my best friend and most trusted confidant. But now, I had to leave everything behind. She helped me get ready by brushing my hair when I heard her sniffle. "Hey what's wrong?" I turned around and there were tears streaming down her face. " Do you need to go?" Tears brimmed in my eyes as I hugged her and muffled an " I'm sorry."

When we pulled away, we wiped our tears and she helped me carry my bags to the train station. Bean followed close by when we passed through the corridors and finally got to the platform. With a sad look, Delia handed me my things before hugging me again.

"You take care of her, got it? " she shook her finger at Bean who responded with a soft brush against her leg making her smile sadly. I hugged her one last time before we heard the train whistle blow. " I gotta go." she nodded. I loaded my stuff onto the train and looked at her through the window. "Write to me!" she yelled. "Every day!" she smiled and I squealed at the sudden jerk of the train moving. Slowly, I saw less and less of Delia until there was nothing but open track in my view.

I sighed and sat down in my seat, pulling Bean into my lap. The train was very much empty seeing as it was the middle of the year. The only person I saw was some older woman asking if I wanted " Anything from the trolly, dear? " To be nice, I asked for a box of jelly beans. Quickly, I learned of my mistake when the taste of grass and soap flooded my mouth. I spit the deceptive candy out causing Bean to sniff it and hiss. "So much for calming my nerves." I put the box in the garbage and pulled Bean into my lap for a short nap.

I wanted to bring out my frog stuffie but even on an empty train, I was too embarrassed. The only person who knew about my childish nature, beside the obvious, was Delia. I was raised to someone dark and evil, but grew to only want sweet and pink things. It's because of this that my father has never liked me much. I was never able to reach his expectations. Bean purred and I laid my head against the window, soon falling asleep.

4 Hours later:

"Wake up, Sweetie." The snack woman from before gently shook me causing me to flicker my eyes open. " Come on , Dear, we are at the school." I nodded, rubbing my eyes. When I got off the train, I gasped at the sight in front of me. The castle was so beautiful and huge. The stone walls and architecture kept me in a trance until a voice distracted me. " A beau'iful sight ain't it." I turned to see a gigantic man with brown frizzy hair and a beard. "H-hello." He smiled and bent down. " Well hello there! What's your name  lit'le one?" He extended his hand and I shook it. " Ariah Snape, sir." " Ah you're snape's daughter aint'cha!" I nodded. " What? You don't see the family resemblance?" I motioned to my baby pink skirt and white long sleeve top making the tall man's booming laugh echo.

"I like you, kid. The name's Hagrid. Now, let's go get you settled before the sorting hat meeting and dinner. " I nodded and turned to get my bags when I noticed my trunk was gone. "Where did-" "Don't worry, Lass! The luggage puts itself away here." I giggled and grabbed Bean in my arms. Walking through the hallways, some students were walking, each wearing black robes with little crests on them. " Hagrid? What do those little Insignias mean?" " Well , Miss, you see those there?" He pointed to five banners hanging above the next entry way. " Those are the crests of the four houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, And Hufflepuf. And that middle one there is the Hogwarts crest. Tonight you will be sorted into your house."

I nodded and continued to walk with him until we got to a huge pair of doors. "Alright, Little lady. This is where I must bid you adieu. Go in and you will meet Professor McGonigal. She will have you sorted into your house and show you to your dorm." I nodded and sent him a smile with a " Thank you." He tipped an imaginary hat and I opened the office doors. " Hello there." I saw an old woman in a green robe and hat sitting at a desk. Beside her was a brown, pointed hat on a stand.

"Hello. My name is Ariah Snape." I sent her a polite smile and she motioned me to her desk. " I'm Professor McGonical, Head of Gryffindor house. You are here for your sourting and schedule, yes?" I nodded trying to stop myself from laughing at her strong scottish accent. " Very good! So here is your List of classes, supplies, and the room numbers." she handed me a piece of paper before coming behind me and placing the Brown hat on my head.

To my surprise, It started... talking? " Hmm... Slytherin blood running deep...Bright, very bright....HUFFLEPUFF!" I looked at The woman and saw her smiling at me "Congratulations, Dear. I'll show you to the dorms and common room. " I nodded and she led me to a large stone stairwell. The stairs would occasionally change causing me to squeal and grip the railing but had seemingly no effect on McGonigal. After that near death experience, We arrived to my room. " Be sure to be at dinner by 6." She was about to leave when she stopped abruptly. " OH! Silly me, I almost forgot. Here, a letter from your father. " she handed me a letter addressed to me. When I looked up to thank her, She was already gone. I sat down on the large Victorian bed and opened the letter.

"Dear Ariah,

In light of you turning 17 soon, I will be hosting a ball for you at Malfoy Manor on March 13. Please Dress appropriately.

Your father,

Severus Snape."

I sighed. I was excited to wear a pretty dress but not entirely thrilled to go back to Malfoy Manor. I hadn't been there since I was 12 and never seemed to have a good time. Draco Malfoy, son of the Malfoys, always picked on me. He seemed to always find a way to torment me. But, no matter how much he teased, I couldn't make a fuss in fear of hurting my fathers political relationship. I shook my head as a way of getting rid of the thoughts and grabbed the list of classes and supplies she gave me; and decided to go get the items before class started tomorrow.

After getting my books, I was walking back to my dorm when a group of boys set off a spark charm in front of my face. I screamed and dropped my supplies including my ink jar. It crashed to the ground, ink spilling everywhere. The boys laughed but suddenly ran away when I bent down to pick everything up. I cried softly as ink coated my hands while little shards of glass cut at my palm and fingers.

Before long, I just started crying. Crying about my mom. Crying about losing my friends. Crying about my life falling apart. I felt a large hand on my shoulder and I gasped turning to see a man. No. a GOD. " Now now, sweetheart. Dry those tears.  You're far too pretty to cry."

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