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I was in utter shock when I saw her lit by the moonlight. Her dark hair contrasted the pink dress that reflected the light. I was tempted to just take her and run forever but I knew that wasn't possible. Taking her hand I led her out onto the pavement where I took her waist and danced with her. Her giggles when she twirled were more beautiful than the symphony the band was playing inside.

When she fell, I caught her and saw that beautiful smile reappear when I comforted her. "WOAH! Don't worry, I got you." Her little smile was reassuring to me that she wasn't injured so I felt comfortable taking her home. I knew my house wouldn't be as uncomfortable as the Manor so seeing her face light up simply melted my heart. "My room is right down there but I'll walk you to the guest room ok?" Her little 'mhm' was the most adorable thing I ever heard.

I left her in the guest room to get settled while I went to my room to get her some clothes. Did I have guest pajamas I could give her? Yes. Even if I didn't, did I know a charm that would make my clothes fit her perfectly? Also yes. But I guess a part of me wanted to see her tiny frame be engulfed in my clothes. I wanted her to smell like me. To know that my girl was being marked as mine even in my own home.

"There you go, love. Go change and I'll be right down the hall if you need me. In a few minutes I'll come check on you ok?" Her body squished the clothes in my hand against my chest...Along with her ti-

"Thank you." I kissed her head to shake the perverted thoughts. "No problem, baby." Baby. She called me baby today. Sure, I call her baby but I've never been 'baby' before.

When I left again, I didn't even think of teasing her anymore. I knew if I teased watching her change, I would have a hard time controlling myself. Ariah was in a rough place and I was not going to take advantage of that. A few minutes after I change into my own sleep clothes, I knock on her door again.

Her cute little 'Come in' was all I needed to quickly open that door to see my baby girl.

"Oh, sweetheart. I love seeing you in my clothes." Her small frame was almost engulfed by my shirt and the sight of her ass in my boxers was mouth watering. I thought she was beautiful in her dress and makeup, Merlin was I wrong. I had never seen anyone so beautiful in my life. I couldn't help but open my arms for my girl. The smell of her hair was intoxicating as I planted a hard kiss on her head.

" Come on. Time for bed." She obeyed like the good girl she is and slid into the covers before I kissed her soft lips.I wanted her to sleep in my bed. In my arms. In my clothes. I assumed only one of these things would happen. So you can understand my confusion when she said: "Baby...please don't go. At least until I fall asleep." There she is again with the 'baby' . How can this girl be my weakness so early on."Are you sure?" I didn't want to take advantage of her vulnerable mental state but that pleading look in her eyes was enough to bring any man to his knees and bend to her will. "Ok. Anything for you, princess."

Her little scoots to let me in were simply adorable no matter how scared she was. I pulled her into my chest and held her how we both needed her to be held. All was quiet until her soft whisper came through the space. "I'm scared." no no no my baby was scared. I couldn't allow that so I calmed her in the way that always helped. Praise and pet names.

"I know, baby. But I'm here now. I've got you and I'm not gonna let anything happen. Don't you worry your pretty little head."

I guess it worked because her beautiful smile returned while she played with my hair and kissed my body. I missed her lips and pulled her to me again. "Give Da-me another kiss, babygirl." Shit. I almost just called myself Daddy. Maybe one day we will be there but I'm not putting that on her now.

"Now sleep"

I started to slowly lul to her a song my mother taught me. It only took a few versus before I heard her soft little snores. I smiled and once I knew she really was asleep did I allow myself to dream as well.

But as for usual, my sanctuary of sleep was short lived.

"Stupid boy!" Whack. "I can't believe I'm stuck with you." Whack. My body shook while the old bitch I called 'Mom' continued to strike me with the handle of her wand. "You're supposed to be great! You're supposed to be the successor to the dark lord and here you are being nothing more than remedial!" whack. Whack. With one final strike, I sat up in bed covered in a layer of sweat and panting.

"Don? Baby calm down I'm right here." I looked to see Ariah kneeling by my sat up body with a concerned look on her face, her hand reached out hesitantly.

"It was just a dream."

It was just a dream...

930 Words

-Love v

-Love v

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