Chapter: 25 - Hey mama

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Tru Colton

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Tru Colton

I woke up to the sound of a high pitched cry. I groaned, hitting Ashton's shoulder. "Turn off the tv." He didn't answer me. I looked up and he had his face smooshed into the pillow with its sides wrapped round his head blocking out the noise.

I turned to face the tv but was met with Carmen and a screaming Starr. "What the hell Carmen?" I groaned. "You need to take your god daughter before I kill her." I rolled my eyes as she moved over passing Starr to me. "She's like 4 day's old Carmen." I said cradling Starr in my arms.

"Yeah 4 days old, 4 days of no sleep on my part." I sighed turning to my alarm clock. It was 7am. "Go catch some sleep. I'll keep an eye on her." Carmen's eyes lit up.

"Are you sure?" I nodded slipping out of bed. "Go get some sleep. Ashton and I will watch her." She hugged me gratefully and bolted out of the room.

I looked over to Ashton who was still sound asleep. Starr still had a dry cry. I chose to let Ashton rest and I headed down stairs. I walked around for a while with Starr, shooshing her and making up a bottle to feed her.

While she was eating and finally quiet I took the chance to grab some shorts, a crop top and trainers. I kept Starr in her sleep suit, after she was finished her bottle I burped her and put her into the stroller.

"Leo? Nario?" I called as I walked into the sitting room. "I was gonna take Starr for a walk. I know Ashton would kill me if I went out without security. Can one of you come?" Marcus walked in behind me. "I'll go." I smiled happily at him.

None of them ever really talk, they more just follow orders which I hate. I wish they would talk to me, I'm human.

"Great! Get your running gear on." He furrowed his brows. "I thought we were walking." I shrugged. "I changed my mind." He rolled his eyes and walked away to go change. I sat down on the sofa pushing the stroller back and forth.

"Can I ask you guys something?" Leo and Nario looked between each other then back to me and nodded. "Do you guy's think Ashton still blame's himself for Richard?" The both looked away avoiding my eyes.

I know what Ashton said to me last night; that he doesn't blame himself, but he wishes he knew. I can't help but feel like he still thinks this is his fault, but I don't know how to stop him from feeling like this.

Leo scratched the back of his neck and faced me. "I don't think he blames himself Tru...I think he just wants to find Richard and get rid of him for good." I bit my cheek, contemplating what to do. "Do you think if I found Richard it would make it any easier for him?"

Nario's eyes almost popped out of his head. "Definitely not Tru. Don't even think about trying to do anything. That would only make Ashton suicidal." I puffed, and relaxed back into the sofa. "I don't know what to do though. He isn't himself. He keeps telling me that he's fine and doesn't blame himself. But I know he's lying, if he wasn't he wouldn't be so...antsy." Marcus walked in, holding two bottles of water.

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