Chapter: 24 - Explanations

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Tru Colton

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Tru Colton

Ashton, lay on the bed giving me a weary look. I had never told anyone what I had done to Sean. The only reason Audrey ever knew was because she caught me 'dealing with him'.

I sighed pulling my hair back behind my ears and crossing my legs. "After the first time...that Sean hurt me. I thought that I knew how to deal with it, like I told you. But then when he kept doing it over and over again. I had to find a new solution."

I took a breathe and looked for a sign of concern on Ashton's face but there wasn't. "I asked around to see if I could find someone who could, well get rid of him basically. It turns out that every person I asked was to much of a wimp to get rid of him for me. So, one day he was working for my dad. Doing a drug run." I gulped.

"I cooked him a meal, with and laced it with 200grams of Strychnine." Ashtons eyes doubled in size. "Tru, the fucking lethal does for that is 100 grams." I bit my lip feeling like the worst human to ever walk the earth.

"I sat his donner in front of him and sipped on a glass of wine from the kitchen. I waited and waited until it slowly took effect on him. Eventually he was struggling to breathe and his lips turned blue. Once I noticed his lips going blue, I called am ambulance and told them that my boyfriend wasn't feeling right. When they asked me what he had ate and what his symptoms where. I told them that he had been out and taken drugs, I told them that I thought he maybe took a new drug." Ashton sat up in the bed more as I sighed.

"When they got to him, he was already dead so I had to act unhappy obviously. They put his COD down to un-prescribed drugs and the possibility of poison. But they wanted to take his food to check it, so I swapped our dishes and gave them mine. Once it came clean I knew I was in the clear. Sean was gone and I was safe."

"How long ago, did you kill him?" I swallowed the lump in my throat from the memories of that night. "A month before I met you." Ashton stood up and walked round the bed to stand in front of me. I knelt on the bed as he stood in between my legs lifting my hands in his.

"Do you hate me?" I asked, wimply. "Tru, if it's possible I love you more. I could never hate you for protecting yourself or anyone else. I'm just sorry I wasn't there for you, I'm sorry that I never knew what you where going through or what was happening to you." He held both my hands in one of his while stroking my cheek with the back of his hand.

"You couldn't have known Ashton, you couldn't have known about this or about Richard. So please I need you to stop blaming yourself for these things." He bent down and placed a small kiss on my lips. "I'm here now Tru. No one will ever hurt you again. I swear." I smiled softly.

I stood up off of the bed, Ashton moved back. "Get ready, I have someone coming over to the house to do a security check." I nodded and kissed him again.

Truthfully Yours - EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now