Chapter 25- Memories of Old

Start from the beginning

My breath hitched, 'Who was he? Is he here to take on the guild?' I questioned to myself fearfully.

I mean not just anyone just walks into our guild hall, we're in the middle of nowhere!

Noticing me as I was the only one present in the room, he turned his scowl to me before stomping over. By the time he reached me, I was trembling in fear of his intimidating persona.

"Is this the Raventail guild?" he asked me.

I trembled in front of him before slowly nodding.

He seemed satisfied with my answer before he asked his next question, "Where is your master?"

I trembled before him even more as I didn't know the answer to his question. I hadn't seen Master all day.

'I don't know. He's going to be mad at me. I'm going to be punished. What am I going to do?' I panicked to myself.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Gajeel questioned before he paused sniffing the air.

"Wait a second, are you-"

"Gajeel my boy."

I froze at the terribly familiar voice as he cut this Gajeel off.

"Who are you?" Gajeel scowled standing up straight turning towards him.

"I'm Master Ivan, I am the master of the Raventail guild," Master answered.

Gajeel crossed his arms, "Huh, you look different than I expected you to look. Well, I'm here about this second task you wanted me to do."

"Of course, my boy, follow me," Master stated.

I breathed out in relief, thinking this Gajeel had Master distracted.

I thought wrong.

"Maylene, stand up straight you brat," Master snapped.

I tensed, straightening up.

"This place is still a wreck, I told you to clean this up hours ago. Apparently, I've been too lenient with you. We'll go over your punishment later," Master spoke plainly.

I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears, unfortunately, a few slipped through.

"Quit your crying brat! Apparently, you need a harsher punishment after all," Master growled at me.

I nodded, "Yes Master."

Gajeel glanced at me with a look I didn't recognize until later, sympathy.

As I went back to cleaning, I heard Gajeel ask, "Master, who is she? She smells like a Dragon Slayer, and she almost smells like-"

"Makarov?" Master answered for him.

"Yeah..." Gajeel nodded.

"Very perceptive of you, as expected of a Dragon Slayer. Yes, despite the brats looks, she's my daughter. Unbeknownst to Makarov though," Master chuckled to himself.

"She's an Ice Dragon Slayer and she will be my greatest weapon against Fairytail. This will also be your second task, I need you to train her," Master explained.

"Train her?" Gajeel questioned in surprise.

"Yes, her magic is powerful, too powerful for her to control at the moment. With you also being a Dragon Slayer, you would be the best person to train her effectively," Master explained.

Gajeel nodded, "Understood Master."

Master smirked.

"Maylene! To the training room now!" Master ordered.

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