Final Explanation

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The large demonic looking Titan was on the screen at the base, everyone was both confused and horrified, where did it come from? How did it get there?

Vivienne: talk to me, Stanton...what's it's readings...

Bernie: holy massive...


Tracy: what do we do?! *holding him in fear*

Ling: it looks like Destoroyah...

Rick: Hate to break it to ya, folks. But that IS Destoroyah, he's alive and well!

Bernie: bitch whaaat?

Mark: this has to be his final form...

Some of Monarch, including the Party begun to panic

Madison: we're gonna die! We're all gonna die! *hugs Michael*

Michael: no we're not!

Madison: yes we are!

Admiral Stenz: Dr Russell has your daughter been told to keep calm in situations?

Mark: Yes but look, she's scared

Sam: And she's not the only one *points at Alex curled up in a ball under a table, mumnling*

Alex: I am not my fear. I am not my fear. I am not my fear...

Jia: *hugging Maria*

Maria: Shh, it's okay

Madison: Michael, what if we die?

Michael: we won't die, Godzilla and The Titans will take it down

Madison: Are you sure?

Michael: very sure

Madison: ...Michael

Michael: yes?

Madison: If we really die, can we do this first before we're gonna disappear to our life forever?

Michael: do what?

Madison: *whispers in his ear*

Michael: WHAT!?!

everyone turns hearing Michael

Michael: *nervous chuckle* Oh it's n-nothing.

After everyone shrugged off Michael shouting loud, they turned their attention back to the screen, seeing the Titans and Kiryu face the horrific demon

Michael: *whispers* Maddie, no way!

Madison: Please, we have to

Michael: ain't happening, *shakes head* diddly squat

Madison: *death stare* Michael

Michael: no, we're not going to do a thing like that in this crisis

Madison: Just a quick one

Michael: no, besides, Admiral Stenz said nobody's leaving this room until the mission is complete

Madison: Then, we'll get sneaky *smirks*

Michael: what's going on in your head, right now for you to want to do this??

Madison: If you don't want it, then fine. I'll just say these words

Michael: huh?

Madison: I dump your ass

Michael: Maddie, your not Eleven...just listen to me

Michael: Maddie, your not Eleven...just listen to me

Madison: I know but I'm serious about it

Michael: Why are you so desperate to do it in a time like this?

Madison: So, we can experience it what we desire for the possible final time of being together

Michael: even though Destoroyah's saving us for last... alright, Maddie. BUT on one condition

Madison: What?

Michael: if we're caught, you're taking full responsibility

Madison: As long I'm quiet for you *whispers* ~Mikey

Michael: *sighs* Fine

Together the two successfully sneak out and head to the restrooms

In Tokyo, the Titans were shocked at how Destoroyah was alive.

Destoroyah: *smirks* guess you're wondering how I'm alive. I suppose I'll leave one final Explanation before I kill you all.

Rodan: what you gotta say, freak?

Destoroyah: *points to Kiryu* that tincan did indeed "kill" me. But when I fell, my brethren made the ultimate sacrifice to resurrect me and achieve this ultimate form. I and my brothers were going to join together once the Titans were weakened, but I guess it had the transformation had to be done in order to survive.

Gamera: whatever, you're going down!

Destoroyah: *laughs* I don't think so, shell head

Godzilla: it's 6 on one, you have no chance!

Destoroyah: *laugh's we'll see about that!*

John: all weapons ready.

Ilene: this will be a difficult battle...

Ren: Titans! Displays!! 

Mothra got on Godzilla's back and spread her wings glowing brightly and let's out a huge cry.

Godzilla roared with his spines glowing blue

Rodan spread his wings far with his mouth and eyes glowing like lava and screeches.

Kong slammed his axe on the ground and beat his chest roaring before picking it back up

Gamera roared with his mouth glowing orange and smoking

Ren and Ilene let out a huge roar which made Kiryu roar with it's spines glowing yellow with John charging Kiryu's power.

Destoroyah glowed his horn bright red and spreading his wings letting out his demonic roar.

Destoroyah glowed his horn bright red and spreading his wings letting out his demonic roar

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The final battle was about to begin

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