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Meanwhile in Kiryu's damaged head, lying in the rubble of the building Destoroyah uppercut it into. Ren Serizawa and John Conrad were helping Ilene Chen.

Ren: *removes helmet and then removes Ilene's* Ilene

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Ren: *removes helmet and then removes Ilene's* Ilene...please, stay with me..

Ren carefully tried to patch up Ilene's wound, but it looked like she was very faint

Ilene: R-Ren...* very weakly places her hand on his cheek*

Ren: you're going to be alright...please.. *Strokes her cheek*

John: the pods ready, let's get her out of here..

Ren and John carefully carried Ilene into the back seat of Kiryu and engaged the escape pod mechanism for her, Ilene was safely ejected from Kiryu.

Ren: please make it Ilene...

John: *hand on his shoulder* let's hope so, c'mon let's get to the maintenance hatch and reroute the controls

John and Ren exited Kiryu's cockpit and begun making their way to the maintenance room in Kiryu's back, to reroute Kiryu's controls and fix it's systems which were damaged.

Back at base, the team detected the pod that was launched out of Kiryu and sent a helicopter to retrieve it.

Martinez: this isn't good...

Madison: *to Michael* told you...

Vivienne: we can't lose hope, everyone.

Foster: *Contacts* Griffin, recovered the pod?

Griffin: *with her team* just have, it's Dr Chen, she's in very bad shape, the sooner we get her back to base to a medic, the better.

meanwhile back at Tokyo, Junior and Komodozilla saw Destoroyah coming right for them and tried to attack but it was useless.

Destoroyah: *grabs them*

Junior: ugh! Let us go!!

Destoroyah: how about we go for a ride *laughs and flies up with Junior and Komodozilla in his arms*

Godzilla: *weakly roars* Junior...No...!!!

Komodozilla: *cries out* help!!!

Destoroyah continued flying higher and higher with Junior and Komodozilla in his arms, intending to drop them from a large height that may kill them.

In the base, the team was shocked and horrified of what Destoroyah was doing.

Tracy: *crying* no!! Stop it!!

Alex: *traumatized*

Jia: *covers her eyes*

Bernie: Destoroyah's a sicko!!

Rick: Destoroyah enjoys causing pain...he knows killing the kids won't hurt them physically, but emotionally...

Back at the city

Mothra: *screeching in tears* No! *flies away after Destoroyah*

Rodan: No!!

Gamera: *looks at his impaled arm and looks back up at Destoroyah* dammit, this is gonna hurt so much...

Titans from Monster Island saw what Destoroyah's doing and they're now scared what's gonna happen next

Mothra: *flies up at Destoroyah and tries to stop it*

Destoroyah: Stay down, insect! *fires Micro-Oxygen beam at her*

Mothra: *dodges and attempts to snatch Junior and Komodozilla back but is grabbed by his tail* ack!!

Godzilla: No!!

Rodan: Mothra!!

Back at Monster Island, Komoditrax's eyes starts to water while Zilla growls in anger

Komodithrax: Komodozilla!! *crying*

Zilla: Don't he dare!

Mothra: *looks at Junior and Komodozilla and then at Destoroyah* please...don't....

Destoroyah: *smirks and drops them* whoopsie

Everyone; the Titans, at Monster Island and the base: NO!!!!!

Junior and Komodozilla: *scream as they fall*

Kong: KIDS!!!

in Kiryu, Ren and John managed to reroute the controls and are ready to pilot Kiryu but see Junior and Komodozilla falling through the large hole

Gamera: *appears out of nowhere missing one of his arms and catches both of them and crashes on his back, saving the kids*

Gamera had blown his own arm off with his fire breath to escape from the building he was pinned to and managed to save both kids from being killed but he was injured in the crash. At the base and Monster Island everyone was relieved.

Alex: *gasps in happiness* OH THANK GOD!! *quickly faints*

Madison: oh my gosh...

Spitka: Phew

Komodithrax: *hugs Zilla* oh, thank heavens...

in Tokyo

Gamera: *pants holding both of them in his arm, his shell was cracked in the crash* gotcha both....

Junior: Mr Gamera...?

Gamera: it's's okay...*faints*

at Monster Island

Spitka: We gotta go there!

Anguirus: let's hurry!!

Warbat: You know what, I'm with them!

Barb: No time to waste, let's go!

Hellhawks: OH YEAH!!

The Titans begun to leave Monster Island and head to Tokyo

back at the city, Destoroyah was dissapointed. he landed with Mothra in his tail

Destoroyah: hmph *prepares to charge a Micro-Oxygen beam at Mothra but a  maser beam strikes him letting go of Mothra and turns to see what fired at him* who the hell?

Destoroyah: hmph *prepares to charge a Micro-Oxygen beam at Mothra but a  maser beam strikes him letting go of Mothra and turns to see what fired at him* who the hell?

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It was Kiryu, looking heavily damaged, Ren and John and regained control of Kiryu with John taking Ilene's place as the second pilot.

Destroy All MonstersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora