Isla De Mara escape

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As the crew loaded the dead creature onto an Osprey, they prepared to leave as well until they heard rapid noises underground.

John: there's...there's more of them isn't there.??

Ford: we need to go, now!!!

As they begun to leave, more of the creatures rose up from the ground and prepared to attack with very malicious intent.

Bernie: AAAAHHH!! *runs with the others*

Soldiers: *with flamethrowers* BURN YOU SUCKERS, BURN!!!!

the extreme heat from the flamethrowers successfully managed to slow the creatures down, but morekept coming, one fired a micro-oxygen beam at an osprey completely destroying it.

the remaining G-Team forces used the flamethrowers to hold the creatures back even further, before getting into the Ospreys escaping.

before the door closed, John and the others saw the creatures shot a few more Micro-oxygen beams completely blowing apart 2 more Ospreys before the remaining fleet got away to meet up with the Argo.

Bernie: holy shit...

Ren: My god, what were those things...?

Vivienne: i don't know, the sooner we analyse the specimen we've captured and find out, the better.

the fleet of Ospreys flew and joined up with the Argo, with the team gathering their bearings and the dead creature taken to the lab room of the Argo.

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