Kiryu vs Destoroyah

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Meanwhile, things were not going good for the Prince of the Monsters and his close friend, they were cornered by Destoroyah even if they were fighting very bravely, They were no match for him.

Komodozilla: we're trapped!! What do we do!?

Junior: i dunno! But I'm thinking...

Destoroyah: *laughs* there's nothing you can do kiddies!! Guess I'll be killing you two first before i take on the Titans, they won't hold much longer now.

but then Destoroyah heard what sounded like a massive jet flying towards him and turned to see Kiryu flying towards him

John: disengaging flight mode! 

Kiryu's thrust boosters stopped and Kiryu landed in front of Destoroyah, with him distracted, Junior and Komodozilla made a run for it getting away safely

Ren: *battle pose* Ilene, John, get ready this is for real!

John: all weapons, ready!

Ilene: let's do this, together!

Destoroyah: whatever this thing is, prepare to fall *roars and flies up and dives down towards Kiryu*

Kiryu also roared at Destoroyah as he was flying towards him, the battle begun.

Kiryu also roared at Destoroyah as he was flying towards him, the battle begun

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Destoroyah: *dives and attempts to pierce Kiryu with his horn*

Ren: now!! 

Kiryu: *grabs Destoroyah and repeatedly punches him*

Destoroyah: ugh!! *charges up Micro-Oxygen beam*

John: engaging Maser Breath!!! *aims and fires*

Kiryu: *fires a powerful maser beam from his mouth colliding with Desotoryah's micro-oxygen blast*

Back at Shadow Moses

Vivienne: Admiral, are you so sure Kiryu can stop Destoroyah?

Admiral Stenz: i'm confident, but it's how the pilots fight and use the weapons.

back at Tokyo Kiryu managed to push it's maser beam further against Destoroyah blasting him into the city streets.

John: let's get him.

Ren and Ilene: right! *move Kiryu forward entering the city*

Ilene: *checks* he's moving too fast for the scanners to pick him up, keep your eyes pealed.

Ren and Ilene carefully look around through the city, Destoroyah stealthily crept, preying.

John: *detects* movement on the right! 3 O'CLOCK!!!

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