The Survivor

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Isla De Mara, some time later

in an interrogation room in Outpost 56, a man was shaking on a chair, he looked extremely frightened of whatever he experienced.

Monarch Scientist: He's in here

Dr Graham entered and sat in the chair opposite the man.

Survivor: a-a-are you Dr Graham..?

Dr. Graham: Yes. Yes I am

Survivor: Y-y-you gotta do something...i...We...

Dr. Graham: Shh, calm down, what is it?

Survivor: Down in the tunnels of Isla De Mara...we found something...or something found us...

Dr. Graham: What is it? Just relax

Survivor: *tries to relax* it had red was huge... about 8 foot

Dr. Graham: Okay, what else?

Survivor: it begun to attack shot a purple beam that reduced my men to bones...i was the only one to escape...

Dr. Graham: What did it look like?

Survivor: it's skin...looked red in color, i think it was some huge spider or scorpion...

Dr. Graham: Go on...

Survivor: that's...just's down in the tunnels somewhere...

Dr Graham: *pats shoulders* it's alright, we'll handle the situation.

Later, G-Team were loading their weapons along with John who would be going with them. Monarch in the meanwhile was evacuating the other people of Isla De Mara due to the potential threat of the unknown creature.

Foster: alright, troops Let's stay together, we only vaguely know what's down here, so keep your eyes wide.

Ford, Griffin, Barnes and Martinez: Yes, Ma'am.

John: let's go.

and so the team begun heading down into the Isla De Mara tunnels. 


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