Monster Island Attack

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Monster Island

An Aggregate jumped high and got a smack in the face by Anguirus' tail before being crushed by Anguirus rolling into a ball, another Aggregate was splashed and boiled alive by Manda spraying scalding water right into it's chest with her water breathe, the Aggregate tried to fire it's micro-oxygen beam but got it's head sliced when Baragon used his fire claws.

Manda: where did they come from?!

Anguirus: their the same creatures that kept running away from us after they decimated those cities! Guess their trying to really take the fight to us this time!

Varan: incoming! *Flies down, grabs an aggregate and uses his wind breath to destroy it* woo!

Baragon; nice one, Varan!

Varan: thanks, whoa careful, more of em!

Varan, Anguirus, Manda, Baragon: *sees some surround them* know who we are?! We're the Guardians!!! *Attack*

Scylla: *jumps on a larger Aggregate* have...some of this!! *Dispenses large amounts of liquid nitrogen from her body which completely crumbles it* easy... *Struck by another Aggregate* oofff!!

The Aggregate tried to take as stab at her but was impaled and crushed into the walls by Behemoth, saving Scylla in the process.

Behemoth: you alright?

Scylla: fine, these things are everywhere!

Barb found herself surrounded by around 5 Aggregates, all charging their Micro-Oxygen beams, Barb quickly used her EMP attack to district the beams and go to town on each one with her long claws.

Barb: *repeatedly pounds each one* You! Guys! Make me! Sick, sick, sick!!!

Gamera: *spinning shell flies and knocks a few off a cliff and turned to see a large one* you gotta be joking, *readies fireball blast*

Large Aggregate: *charges beam but hit by the fireball and screeched in pain*

Gamera: *grabs it by the neck and tosses off the cliff* how about that!

Battra grabbed one from behind with his claws, stabbed it with his stinger and flew it very fast

Battra: hey! Kong!

Kong: *turns to see Battra flying at him with the paralyzed Aggregate*

Battra: ready!?

Kong: *smirks and readies axe* Ready! *Sees him coming* FOOREE!!!!! *Hits the Aggregate hard with his axe, sending it flying*

Battra: *blasts it to dust with his beam attack*

Small Aggregates tried to overwhelm Methuselah but his rock skin was tough to pierce, he stomped on one and bit down hard on another.

Methuselah: mere insects, their no more annoying than the Apex people! *Stomps on one* utterly ridiculous!

Elsewhere, Phoenix was blasted in the wing by a Micro-Oxygen beam and crashed into a heap of sand

Phoenix: *shakes head but her wing was damaged* I'm hit!! *Shoots an approaching Aggregate with her fire daggers* a little help here!

Gorosaurus: *runs* hold on, Phoenix, I'm coming To ya! Get outta my way! *Kicks an Aggregate away and helps her up and bites on an Aggregate trying to stab her wounded wing*

Phoenix, though down also helped Gorosaurus fend off the swarm before finally getting back up

Phoenix: whew... thanks

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