Tunnel attack

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John, Foster, Martinez, Griffin, Brody, Barnes and the rest of G-Team ventured into the tunnels, carefully being aware of the unknown lifeform down there with them.

The team then came across a part of the tunnel that intersects two different ways.

Foster: Barnes, Griffin, you take one team that way *points* the rest of us go this way *points to the other tunnell*

Barnes and Griffin: yes, ma'am. *They go down the 2nd tunnel*

Foster: rest of you, with me *moves down the other tunnel with the team following her*

John: not liking the look of this one bit...I think whatever it is that's down here, it's watching us, studying us...

With Barnes, Griffin and the other squad they were looking around using their rifle flashlights to see where there going.

one of the soldiers with them heard a strange noise and immediately turned his light in the direction the light came from.

Soldier: Barnes!

Barnes: what is it, soldier?

Soldier: *points* i heard something down there... *points his gun*

Griffin: stay close, it might be the creature...

The troop stayed close and aimed their rifles at the direction of the unknown sound.

Barnes: *checks his motion tracker* Movement!! Above us!! 

The team looked up and bursting from the roof was the creature itself, letting out a demonic roar as it landed in front of the team.

The team looked up and bursting from the roof was the creature itself, letting out a demonic roar as it landed in front of the team

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back in the other tunnel, Foster immediately picked up her radio to listen in on Barnes.

Barnes: we're being ambushed!! The creature, we've found it!! Well, it's actually found us!!

Foster: c'mon!! We gotta go back! 

Foster, Brody, John, Martinez and the other G-Team troops ran as fast as they could to get to the other team.

Back with Barnes team they opened fire but the creature moved too fast and shot a purple beam from it's mouth

Soldier; *struck by the beam* UUAARGHH!! *reduced to bones*

Barnes:  *looks at the corpse* you gotta be fucking kidding...

Foster and the others arrived just in time to see the creature.

Ford: open fire!! *Shoots*

The others tried to fend off the creature, but one by one it cut down G-Team soldiers, using its tail and micro oxygen beam.

Creature: *roars and tries to attack Ford by stabbing him with his tail*

Ford: woah!! *Moves his head aside while the creatures tail pierced the tank behind Ford*

the creature realised it just made a terrible mistake, it's tail pierced a tank of liquid nitrogen. It screeched in pain as the liquid nitrogen started freezing it.

Ford: *notices* you don't like the cold, don't you?.. *breaks the tank even further, fully freezing the creature solid*

Foster: is everyone okay?

Barnes: despite this bastard taking a few men down with it, we're fine, ma'am.

John: *messages* Monarch, we got the creature, it's dead, we're taking it's remains to the Argo now for research.

As G-Team and John begun to move the dead creature, behind them multiple red eyes in the darkness appear.

As G-Team and John begun to move the dead creature, behind them multiple red eyes in the darkness appear

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