"I'm worried." She said calmly. "That's a lot different."

"Fuck this shit." He cursed and held her hand suddenly. "Come here." Chris said.

Next thing, he opened the door to the toilets that was right beside them and took her inside. Then, he locked the door and leaned against the basin looking at her. For a moment, they just stared at one another without saying a word. Her eyes watered unexpectedly, but she ran her hands over her eyes immediately to dry it. As the adrenalin of the show started to abandon his body, Chris started feeling the effects of the alcohol kicking in and his head was spinning a bit, but he stood firm trying not to show it.

"You have to get your shit together." Ellie broke the silence that had installed between them and tried really hard for her voice not to shake. She was on the verge to cry and she didn't want to.

"I am fine." He told her.

"You can't drink this much..." Ellie continued knowing he would not admit he had exaggerated. "Heaven is going to be here in two months and you have to be in full shape to take care of her."

"What are you talking about?" Chris frowned a little confused. "I know our baby is going to be born and I am going to be just fine..."

"I am saying..." Ellie's voice choked there and she stopped to take a deep breath. "... I might not be here and she'll need you."

Though drunk, he knew exactly what she meant and he felt his whole-body shudder inside from head to toe. That statement had caught him completely by surprise and it was like a lightning bolt had hit him, shattering him.

"Ellie..." He breathed but she raised a hand to make him stop.

"You cannot take care of her if you drink this much." Ellie continued.

"No..." He shook his head. "Ellie..." Chris approached her and grabbed her face with both hands. "What you are saying doesn't make any sense." He told her looking deeply in her gray eyes. "Heaven is going to have us both with her."

"We don't know that." Ellie said, freeing herself from his hands and turning her back on him. "We cannot affirm that, Chris. You know it."

"Your mother assured us that it's not risky." He argued. "The doctor said she would perform a C-section and you wouldn't even go into labor to minimize the risks." "Babe..." He breathed and approached her from behind, resting his hands on her shoulders. "I understand you're afraid, but it's going to be alright."

"Things can change." Ellie said, turning around to face him. "We need to be practical..."

There, Chris pulled away from her and it was his time to turn his back on her, shaking his head not accepting anything of what she was telling him. He would never accept any of that.

"Chris." Ellie called him.

"I refuse to listen to this." He told her not turning around.

"I need you to understand what I am telling you though I know you are so drunk right now..." Chris turned to face her there.

"It's not clouding my judgment." He told her. "I know exactly what you are implying but I refuse to talk about this."

"I need you to focus." Ellie said.

"It's going to be alright!" He raised his voice. "Why are you even thinking like that?"

"There's no guarantee!" Ellie also raised her tone.

"Yes, there is!" He stood firm. "Your mother says so and so says our doctor."

"I am going to catch a bit of fresh air." Ellie said instead, perceiving he wouldn't listen to her.

Bound in LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang