So I did what's best for me and, hopefully for Glaiza. I finally agreed to Jason's marriage. By doing so, I won't anymore feel the pain of seeing Glaiza be with her significant other during our continuous fake relationship. And Glaiza could now focus on Benjamin, without her feelings being confused anymore because of me. As for my feelings, its better that I do not act on it, and focus my attention to Jason, my future husband-to-be. He already has feelings for me, and I'm sure with time, I'll learn to love him. Then everything would turn okay in the end.

I think.

"I'm truly sorry that things had turned out this way, Rhian. But for what its worth, we root for you more than Ben. We saw how you care for Glaiza, how you comfort her during her lowest hours, and how much you made her happy. And for that, we are truly grateful." Chynna reassured.

"Yeah, you've done so much for her, Rhian. Honestly, your romantic actions outweighs Ben's. Mind you, as Glaiza's friends, we tend to be overprotective when it comes to her admirers and suitors; and Ben passed our standards. But as time passed by, during your fake relationship and much observations, I realize that we might have lowered our standards for Glaiza's love interests. To put it simply, you're more romantic than Ben. And I can confidently say that you, Rhian, showed Glaiza what true and genuine romantic love looks like. That's what Ben is lacking." Brian gently smiles, to which Chynna mirrored him in agreement.

For a second, Rhian swells in relief and joy. Its nice to think that Glaiza's friends approve of her for their friend. She shot them a grateful smile before she asks about where the rest of the group are.

"Your friends are out to handle about their school's enrollment and said that they'll be back late in the afternoon. As for Kat and Paul, well..." Chynna hesitates. "They're kinda... pissed at you for what you did at Glaiza. They've also thrown some very... intense curses at you and, well, yeah, they're furious."

"But don't worry, I'm sure they'll come around. Just give them time." Brian instantly reassures.

Rhian reluctantly nodded. She's not surprise about it, since she's seen how the two seems to be the most protective of Glaiza about certain things. She just hopes that what Brian says are true. She doesn't want to get on their bad sides, knowing that the two are pretty scary and intimidating at times.

"Uh Rhian, I'm afraid we have to hang up now. Kat's on her way downstairs." Just as Brian said that, Rhian heard Kat's semi-deep voice resonating the room, calling both Brian and Chynna's name, saying something about helping in cooking lunch.

"Sure. Hey, thank you guys for this. I really appreciate it. Take good care of Glaiza for me. And please, contact me if anything goes wrong there. Especially with Glaiza." Rhian says.

"Will do." Chynna and Brian gave a determined smile before they hang up.

Rhian face-planted herself on the bed, still clutching her phone. For a minute, she stared at her mobile's black screen, imagining the cute short-haired girl lying beside her staring back at her with her usual cheeky smile. Not being able to resist it, Rhian swipe her hand to her gallery and scroll down to all the pictures she has with Glaiza. She unconsciously smiles at Glaiza's mostly wacky selfies, pictures with Poncho their family dog, cute pictures of the two of them (the one where their foreheads connecting while they're smiling at each other, was Rhian's favorite), and stolen shots of herself (all of which are when she's reading a book).

Rhian briefly closed her eyes, preventing the tears that threatened to fall. She had enough crying yesterday. She had made her choice. From this day onwards, she'll be spending her remaining life with Jason.

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