The Breakfast Club

Start from the beginning

The three of them gave me concerned looks. I went to reach for my fork, but Mikasa slapped my hand away.

Y/n: Mika, what the-

I started to whine in protest tiredly, but I was cut short as she grabbed it and speared some eggs and steered the fork towards my mouth.

Mikasa: Forks are quite sharp, and in your tired state, you might hurt yourself. I'll feed you instead.

I almost fought her but ultimately decided against it. This would be a great time to brainstorm my counterattack against these fucking traitors. I frowned at that, and Mikasa responded by smoothing out my frown with one hand before shoving more food into my mouth.

Mikasa: You're too pretty to be frowning, Y/n.

My tired mind, of course, was about to land me in hot water.

Y/n: I've always thought you were quite hot myself, Mika.

She blushed at that but kept a steady hand in guiding the food to my mouth.

Jean: Why in the hell are you hitting on Mikasa? And how aren't you dead? I've tried that so many times!

Mikasa scowled at him and flung eggs at him from off of my plate.

Y/n: Hey! That was supposed to go in my mouth! Jean, piss off! You're ruining my breakfast!

He looked at the four of us in complete shock, trying to register what had just happened and why.

Jean: I just got here? Barely said anything?

Eren: Try not speaking at all.

I pointed to Eren.

Y/n: What he said! Go count Marco's freckles.

Jean: Wha-what the fuck?

Connie: BAHAHAHAHA! Oh shit, Y/n, you're funny! You should stay up all night more often!

Christa: No, she shouldn't! It's not healthy!

Mikasa: Also, if you value her opinion of you, you'd best let her be fully rested. She gets a bit blunt without sleep.

Y/n: Mikasa, thanks for feeding me. I probably would've poked an eye out. I see, like, multiples of shit.

Ymir: You mean double?

Y/n: Since when did you get so smart?

Connie: Oh shit! Fuck dude, you're hilarious!

Sasha: And mighty hungry. I wanted your breakfast.

I sighed as I slid my tray away from Mikasa and towards her. She drooled and watched intently as I did so.

Y/n: When aren't you? I bet your brain is like a block of cheese. Or a giant walnut.

Sasha: Thank you, Y/n! You always take such good care of me.

I patted her head. She smiled with her mouth full of eggs.

Y/n: Always, Sash.

Jean scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before speaking.

Jean: Hey, so, Y/n...I did come over here to apologize for last night. I was way outta line. I'm sorry.

Y/n: It's cool, Jean. It's not like you can change my mind. You're still one of my bestest friends!

Jean: Now you're doing too much.

Ymir: Sleep with one eye open, asshole!

Christa: Ymir!

Y/n: How about I don't sleep at all?

Eren: Oh shit.

Christa: Seriously, Y/n, you should try to practice better sleeping patterns. Please.

Y/n: I hear you, Christa. As soon as I find someone to sing me to sleep, I can do that. Until then...I don't know what to tell you.

Christa immediately piped up.

Christa: I'll sing to you!

Ymir stopped her bite of food halfway to her mouth.

Ymir: What the fuck? Hell no!

Christa slapped Ymir in her arm.

Christa: Ymir!

Ymir: What!?

Ymir scowled and grumbled as she rubbed her arm, making me snicker. She scowled at me.

Y/n: Nah, Ymir's right. I know you have a heart of gold, but you need sleep too. Don't stress it. That whole thing was a joke. I'll figure it out.

Sasha: What if I snuck in food? Would that help?

Y/n: You'd get into a shit ton of trouble.

Sasha: So? You need help, and besides food fixes everything!!

I laughed.

Y/n: Don't worry, Sash. I got this.

Sasha: If you say so.

Jean: Wait! What if we used Connie's shitty jokes to bore you to sleep?

Connie lifted his hands in a questioning manner.

Connie: What the hell, man?

Y/n: Are you talking because you've finished counting Marco's freckles?

Eren: Burn!

Jean slammed his hands on the table.

Jean: Shut up, you suicidal maniac!

Eren rose from his seat, causing Jean to do the same in response.

Eren: Oh, go sleep in the stables, horse face!

Jean: I don't have a horse face!

Y/n: Mikaaaaa, can you make them shut up?

Mikasa. Mm.

She stood up and forcefully separated them, glaring at them, warning them to cut it out. The entire table simmered down after that.

Shadis: Alright, maggots! I hope you're ready for another day of hell!

The entire table groaned in discomfort, imagining the pain we'd likely have to endure throughout the day.

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