"No One Touches Her"

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"Hi Madison," I say.
"What the fuck are you doing in my room Suze? You're sneaking into people's rooms now you creepy fuck?"
I giggle to myself. "Creepy fuck. Nice one Madison. So, where have you been all this time? You've been ditching university for what, a year?"
"It's not your business, get the fuck out of my room-"
"You used my group to sabotage others that are different and drove someone to suicide, it is my business."
"That was her fucking choice. That had nothing to do with me, end of story. Now fucking get out!"
"Sure, but you're coming with me," as I said that, the three police officers that were hiding reveals themselves having Madison at gunpoint.
"Hands in the air Madison!" One of them says and she obeys as she looks at me ignorantly.

"Wow, never thought you'd turn into a snitch after all I've done for you," Madison says as she's being handcuffed by one of the officers.
"You've done nothing but use me for your sadistic intentions. So come again."
"Fuck you Suze! You're a fucking snitch!!" She yells as the officers take her away.
"Madison you're under arrest for Proxy Murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court-"
"Fuck you!"

I exhale releasing the tension that was built up and one of the officers pat me on my shoulder. "You did the right thing Miss Suzie."
"I know Officer."
The officer nod and follows the other two; I wave them goodbye then make my way to my dorm room.

Ashley's POV~

Kate finally drove to Port Reyes Park. My heart immediately start beating rapidly as I look around for Brad and see him sitting by a bench near the entrance; I take deep breaths before coming out of the car.

"Have fun okay? And please, tell him." Kate says to me.
"I will Kate, thank you for dropping me."
"No problem Ashley. Now go on sweetheart."

I watch while Kate drives off and I think to myself, "she's so matured..and already sound like she could be my mother...is that what having a child does to you? Change your personality...?"

I shun the thought as I enter the park going over to Brad. Brad sees me and runs up to me, grabbing me off my feet.
"I missed you so much!" He says ever so happily. I've never heard him this happy before.
"I missed you too." I say happily hugging and nuzzling him.

I really do miss him, especially being away from him for a year and hearing how happy he is when he said he missed me literally touched my heart. It's just one problem that will really cut this mood and it's telling him the news...

"Hm?!" I look at Brad.
"I asked how are you baby."
"Oh, uh I'm hanging in there."
"I'm really sorry about Haley baby. I only met and talk to her once and I wish I talked to her more. She was gone too soon."
"Haley was a really good friend...she was always there when you need her...always so caring and supportive...so kind..." my eyes begin filling with tears as I go on. "This is all my fault...if only I tried to help her immediately after realizing something was wrong...its all my fault..."
"Ashley it's not your fault. I can ask anyone and they'll say the same thing."
"But I could've done something."
"Baby," He lifts my head up so I face him and he wipes my tears. "Let's not make this kill the mood okay? And sorry I brought it up."
"No it's okay, I've never really got to mourn her passing so..."
"You can vent to me later if you want to, you shouldn't be piling it up for so long."
"I know..thanks babe."
"Want ice cream?"
"Yes please."

He wraps his arm around me as we both walk to the ice cream stand. The ice cream stand have a long line in front of it and it's a pretty slow line. Brad looks down at me and asks if we should find another ice cream place nearby.
"No it's okay, we can wait it out." Perhaps I can tell him after we wait a little while in the line..

We wait for a little while and it was 3 persons in total who got out of the line so far. My mind is racing and my body is a little tense as I prepare the courage to tell him. As I got prepared finally to tell him, I hear "look at this sexy nerd" behind me before feeling a hand tapping my ass.

I yelp then look behind me seeing four group of boys including the one that tap my ass. Brad sees and immediately storms over to him in rage. The boy takes out his pocket knife posing a threat and Brad quickly grab his arm and gives him a heavy jab in the face sending him to the ground and the other boys backing off.

"YOU GOT SOME NERVE HUH?! DON'T TOUCH MY GIRL! NO ONE TOUCHES HER, GOT THAT?!" Brad yells in his face before punching it. I then go over kicking his face in.
"Don't touch my ass!!" Brad then pulls him back on his feet and pushing him away to make him run off.

"DON'T LET ME SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!!" Brad says and I wrap my arms around him telling him to calm down. He then carries me over to a nearby bench and sits me down.

"That fucker sure is brave doing that shit with me around. Tsk, he's lucky I didn't punch his face in for real. You okay though baby? You let off a tantrum there."
"Y-Yea. Sorry you had to see that, I was sick of the flirting from these random guys.."
"They have no fucking chill."

I have to tell him...

"Brad...there's something I wanted to tell you.."
"What is it baby? I am all ears."
"I'm really sorry...the last thing I wanted to do was ruin your life and burden you...I never ever wanted to be that person..."
"Baby you're not ruining my life nor burdening it. I can promise as much times as you want to prove you're not.." Brad says holding me close.
"N-No Brad...I am...I'm pregnant Brad....I'm pregnant...I took the test, the results was two lines...I'm sorry Brad I'm really am, I didn't wanted this...I didn't wanted this at all. All your life you had to work your way to get at least some money for John...you risked dropping out to get the money for his hospital bill...now you're finally free from that and...now it's like I'm putting you in the same situation...I'm sorry baby I'm really sorry..." I cry into his chest and he rubs my arm.
"Ashley, look at me."
I look at him still crying.

"Listen to me, I love you. I love you so much, you don't know just how happy you make me. You're literally my treasure that I cherish so much and have to protect from these other guys. There's nothing in life that can devalue my treasure, nothing at all because you're my forever. I want to marry you Ashley.."
Tears stream down my face as I listen to him.
"I had the feeling something was wrong and this was one thing on my mind honestly because I never used protection the time we had sex.."
"I stopped you being in the moment..im so sorry-"
"Shhhshsh it's okay. We're going to be alright Ashley, trust me. And as for this baby, our baby. I'm going to be the best father it had, just as I am to John. And I promise that from the bottom of my heart. I'll be by your side every step of the way, and we'll be the best parents for our baby. Okay baby?"
"It's no burden at all baby, trust me. I'll happily do it again for our baby's sake."

More tears form in my eyes as I hug him really tight. His words bring a smile to my face as I wipe my face in his shirt. "I love you so much."
"I love you just as much baby."

No One Touches Her: Book 2 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum