"Hi Madison"

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"You're what..?"
I remain silent, scared of saying it again.
"Ashley look at me.."
I look at her with tears filling my eyes.
"Ashley you're still in university..this is your first year here. Your first year!" Kate sighs calming herself down and asks. "Does Brad know yet?"
I shake my head. "No..he doesn't."

Kate rests my head on her as she rubs it softly. "I'm not mad at you..I just wished it was at lot later than this when you at least graduated out of university. This is really going to interfere in your schooling."
"You don't need to be worrying right now. Right now you need to be focusing on your studies and keep working hard so you can get a really decent job for the child. I can take care of the baby while you're focusing in your classes too so there's nothing to stop you."
"K-Kate I don't want to-"
"It's fine by me, your studies and career matters more to you right now. Right Theresa?" Kate looks over at Theresa.
"That's right ma'am."

"Ashley I can never be thankful enough for those words you said to me when we first met. You made me know how much of a loving, caring and strong mother I am and it's keeping me going to this day. And I know I may not have gotten into university because of the circumstances I'm in but you have, and I can't stand here and let you fuck your chances up. I won't allow it!"

"What more can I say about you...you're so amazing Kate.." I muttered wiping my tears and sniffling my nose.
"If it wasn't for you Ashley I wouldn't knew I was. And because of that, I can't live to see your life going downhill without helping you..But you do need to talk to 'him' about this, he deserves to know."
"I know. I am going to tell him..I just felt more relieved to tell you first because I know it's going to be really tough to tell Brad...because he's basically going to face the same thing he faced in the past.."

Kate stops rubbing my head and lets out a mild sigh.

"Well the best time Ashley needs to tell him is now," Theresa says pointing over to my phone ringing.
"It's Brad again..." I say.
"You're gonna have to either answer your phone and talk to him or go over to him," Kate suggests.
"I want to tell him face to face-"
"Then do it Ashley. I'm sure he's worried about you right now judging by him calling you..how many times?"
"Last time I checked it was..13?" Theresa points out.
"Ashley you need to be going, now. Get freshen up and dressed. Now now."

I nod making my way to the bathroom as I take a quick shower and get dressed in a change of clothes. I groom my hair with the help of Theresa and we all get out of my room as I close it shut.

"We will be going our separate ways. Good luck to you Ashley. And remember to never lose hope," Theresa says holding my hand with a slight squeeze.
"I won't. Thank you Terry. I'll see you when I get back okay?"
"Okay, I'll be here."

I give Terry a big hug and opening my eyes when I hear a familiar voice. I look to see Madison waving goodbye to someone and making her way to her room. We both let go of each other and I wave goodbye to Theresa as me and Kate walk to her car and she let me in.

I then dial Brad's number and he answers quite quickly.

"Baby are you alright?! I've been calling you and you weren't picking up, I was worried as hell."
"I'm sorry baby, I've just been busy. Can you meet me at Port Reyes?"
"Port Reyes, of course baby. I'm heading there right now."
"See you there, I love you.."
"I love you too baby."

I hang up sighing as if some burden had been lifted off me. Kate smiles as she drives me over where I need to go.

Suzie's POV

I tap my fingers together, waiting patiently; it's time I put an end to the trouble before it causes animosity again. I tap my foot, waiting for like an eternity until it came, the trouble in this university. Madison comes into the room closing her door behind her as I startle her saying, "Hi Madison."

She looks over at me and I look at her.

No One Touches Her: Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now