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The sounds of waves crashing onto the could be heard. The color orange painted the horizon, the sun setting as Y/N blinked twice. He stood on the beach, wearing a tuxedo as he looked to his right, a priest with a book in his hands. To the left was a crowd. His siblings, along with his new sister-in-law, were standing there with many of their friends.

Y/N then faced to who was in front of him. In front of him was Yukino, wearing a white veil on her head as she held a bouquet of flowers in her hand, her beautiful white wedding dress flowing with the wind. The priest then faces him.

Priest: Do you, Y/N L/N, take Yukino Yukinoshita to be your lawfully wedded wife, and spend the rest of your days with her?

As he goes to speak, he hesitated at first. A smile then forms on his lips as he says those two words.

Y/N: I do.

Priest: And do you, Yukino Yukinoshita, take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded husband, and to always love him and cherish every moment you spend together?

Yukino: I do.

Priest: Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now, kiss the bride.

With a big blush on her face, Yukino faces the now L/N adult, puckering her lips. In response, Y/N leaned in as well, but he stopped as he heard a voice call out to him.

???: Dad!

Waking up, Y/N found out he passed out on his desk, or rather, his father's old desk in the L/N Manor. With a yawn, he rubs his eyes and looks to the person in the room, which was her fifteen year old daughter, Shigure. 

(A/N): Appearance wise, she is Shigure Yukimi from Seraph of the End.

Y/N: Yeah...?

Shigure: Mom said it's time for you to get ready for our guests.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah. And your brother?

Shigure: Noct's still at the arcade with Prom.

Y/N: (thoughts) Saki's kid, huh? Then again, those two are best friends, so not really surprised to see they always hang out a lot. (normal) Hai, hai, I'll go get ready now. 

Begrudgingly, Y/N stood up from his desk, looking back down at it once more as he sees a stack of papers. It was a manuscript for a book he was writing. He was basing it off his mother. Shigure sees her father eye the book he was writing and decides to ask about it.

Shigure: What's the book about?

Y/N: Hmm? Ah, you remember how I told you about the "Queen of the people," right?

Shigure: Yeah, but you never told me who it was.

Y/N: That person was none other than your grandmother. A lot of people love her and would do many things for them. That's why we're always donating during Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Shigure: Hmm...how come you don't talk about grandfather, a lot? On your side of the family.

A frown quickly made it to Y/N's face. He still hated his father, who was now dead as he had gained a terminal sickness after Y/N graduated from high school. Him and siblings still went to his funeral, their only reasoning being that they were still connected to him by blood. He shook his head of the thoughts and only pat his daughter's head.

Y/N: How about you go ahead and meet with your mom downstairs. Sound good?

Shigure: Okay.

As the girl leaves, Y/N turned back to the desk and picked up the photos that were framed on it. The first one was a picture of him and Yukino's wedding, it taken on a beach with the sunset in the background. The second picture was one of their firstborn, Noctis. Although Y/N called him Noctis as a joke, Yukino had actually grown attached to the name and even adopted the nickname of Noct.

They had Shigure three years later, but hers wasn't displayed on the desk. Instead, Shigure's picture was framed onto the wall. The third and final picture framed on the desk was Sarashiki, along with Y/N and his siblings when they were much younger. Y/N smiled at the fond memories as he reminisced the times. In fact, the echoes of laughter and the feeling of happiness could be felt as he remembered the times he spent here as a child. His sister chasing him around, his brother reading him stories, and him helping his mother cook. It brought him so much joy.

As he stood in his room, putting on formal clothing, since it was not only Yukino's birthday as well as their wedding anniversary, well-known politicians and the rest of the Yukinoshita family were coming as well. Of course, their friends would be coming along as well, but formal attire was required to attend. Y/N kept retrying on his tie, having redone it four times already. Sighing and grumbling in frustration, Yukino had walked in, a curious look on her face as she looked at her husband.

Yukino: It's been fifteen years since we've been out of high school and you still can't do a tie properly?

Y/N: Shut up. Besides, I've always liked the way you do it.

With a roll of her eyes, she walks up to Y/N and begins adjusting the piece of clothing. Y/N stared down at her, Yukino noticing his intent gaze as she tilts her head cutely.

Yukino: What?

Y/N: (chuckle) Nothing. Just wondering how I fell in love with such a beautiful girl.

Yukino: (tightens tie on purpose) And I'm still wondering how it took you that long to finally admit it.

Y/N: Okay...! Too...tight!

Yukino: (readjusts tie) You're lucky that I can forgive since I've waited this long. But don't dilly dally anymore. We have guests to see.

With a kiss on his cheek, Yukino leaves the room and Y/N turns back to the mirror. Again, he could hear the remnants of certain memories he fondly remembered when he was a child. He didn't realize on how far he'd had come. 

He now has a loving wife, someone he finally truly loved and was happy to be with. He has two children that he's proud to be the father of, knowing he will always support them no matter which path they chose. He has wonderful friends to rely on, those being new ones he's met during his time in high school and old friendships rekindled. He could then hear Yukino's voice call out to him one last time. He briefly glanced down at the bottom of the mirror, smiling as he walked out of the door.

The picture Y/N was looking at was during his last year of high school at Sobu. It was just a single picture they had taken in the old room of the Service Club. It was just them four. Hachiman and Yui standing next to each other holding hands with Y/N and Yukino sitting by the table, leaning their heads against each other. Once started as a small club with unacquainted people, two of them being old friends, the end of their journey having the ending of getting to know each other and call each other friends. Y/N thought whether his time there was a good one and whether it would always last forever. And he was right. It was a good life he had lived so far. And the friendships were to last forever till the day they died.

As Y/N went down the stairs, he was greeted with the sight of his family and friends. A single tear went down his face as he smiled and said something.

"You guys...are the best."



And with that, My Ice Cold Queen is now finished. I do hope this little epilogue was something you enjoyed and lived up to the standards the previous chapters had been.

You guys probably already know this by now, since I've said this so many times, I had so much fun making this book. And honestly, I am quite sad that this book has come to an end. But I made sure that each chapter was made with much love and every word written was meaningful and enjoyable to read for you all. A project that had started back in October 2020 and ended on April 2, 2021. Thank you so much for all the support you have shown this book. It meant so much to me.

I'll be happy to answer any questions for any of the characters that happened at the end. My take on it. So relationships concerning Setsuna, Itsuki, Shizuka, my take on how I made things happen after the events of the anime/light novel. But anyway, it's time this book is put to a close. I want to say this again, thank you all for such love and support on this book. My Ice Cold Queen is now officially over. Thank you.


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