S3, Chapter 8: Realization, I've Finally Saved You

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4 episodes left! We're almost done! We're near the end of this wild ride. Thanks for sticking by me with this book. While it is shorter than it usually is, I'm quite happy with how it turned out in the end. I'm also most likely skipping episode nine as that episode mainly focuses on Yui and Hachiman. So the next chapter will proceed onto episode ten. Again, thank you for sticking with me on this book. It's about to come to an end.

Enough from me, onto the chapter.


It was nighttime, both Y/N and Hachiman were meeting up with Hayato. The three Sobu students met up at a nearby park area.

Hayato: So basically, this is a dummy prom?

Y/N: To sum it up, yeah.

Hachiman: I'm glad you catch on fast. 

Hayato: Well, honestly, it makes no sense to me. The Captain Committee has already agreed to assist the student council. Therefore we cannot cooperate with you. Therefore, I cannot help you.

Y/N: Well, I kinda expected this, so I'm not really surprised. 

Hachiman: Then how about personally? Will you, Hayato Hayama, help us out as an individual? 

Hayato: (looks to Hachiman) Helping you out personally is the last thing I want to do.

Y/N: And me?

Hayato: You're fine.

Y/N: (grin) Not really surprised, considering our relationship then. (thoughts) Then again, I never really let go of that relationship as well. 

The three share a small chuckle before they took sips from their MAXX coffee cans.

Hayato: I remembered something from a long time ago.

Hachiman: Hmm? What are you talking about? 

Y/N: Was it that promise?

Hayato: Like I said, a long time ago...you weren't there at the time.

Y/N: Right...must've been when you guys were over there.

Hayato: I remember her saying something similar when she got isolated by her class. She said "I'm okay on my own, I don't need help."

Y/N: Heh. Sounds like her.

Hayato: In the end, you ended up getting even more involved. The resulting pain only spread further because I half-heartedly tried to help.

Hachiman: What? Is this a confession of sin? If so, you should be talking to a wall and not me.

Hayato: I should have put everything I had into helping her back then. Things would've been different if you were with us Y/N, but...

Y/N: Yeah..."Him."

Hayato: If I had just done that... (turns to two) Y/N, Hikigaya, you're both taking the wrong approach here. This isn't what you should be doing. 

Y/N: (sigh) You don't think I don't know that? Of course I know, but I'm still doing it anyway. It's the only way to prove it. (thoughts) The only to prove "that." I now know what you mean, Hiratsuka-sensei.

Hayato: What are you trying to prove?

Y/N: (clenches can) Something I've been neglecting long over due. I'll do it right...this time. Even if she doesn't want my help, I'll still do it.

Hayato: (scoff) You still haven't changed. (thoughts) ...That's good.

Next Day-Dusk, Beach

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