S2, Chapter 13: A Day Out, Who Is My Light?

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So, this has gone through a lot of revisions and a lot of things. So, I don't know if the finished product is up to your standards.

Although I felt happy with the finished product, the ending area was a bit hard to finish off so I don't know if this chapter is good or not. Let me know what you thought of it if you have feedback. If not, that's alright.

In the end, season two is over as soon as you finish reading this chapter. Season three will be coming soon...ish. I've only finished two episodes of season three as I've been catching up on some other anime and prepping some new books coming up in later on and for next month. Also, still got some other matters to settle, more personal stuff. One of them has been looking for a job and school to balance out the time.

So a warning in advance, if the next chapter doesn't come out soon, apologies as I have personal stuff to settle first. But alas, I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Yukino: I'm sorry about the other day.

Currently, the Service Club members sat in their usual clubroom, in their normal seats as Yukino had prepared tea for everyone. Y/N was confused as to why she was apologizing.

Yui: No problem! My mom tells me all the time that I come home too late.

Y/N: (thoughts) Did Mrs. Yukinoshita speak with Yukino? What happened the other day?

Hachiman: Well, that's what moms are for. They always have something to say. Komachi's entrance exams is coming up, so she and mom have been arguing about that lately.

Yui: Oh, yeah, Komachi-chan's exam is tomorrow, huh? It gave us the day off, too.

Y/N: Guess the best thing to do tomorrow is sleep in.

Hachiman: Is sleeping in all you do?

Y/N: Pretty much, yeah.

Yukino: (to Hachiman) If I know Komachi-san, I'm sure she'll do fine, though.

Hachiman: Yeah...

Yui: But as her brother, you've gotta worry, huh?

Hachiman: Exactly. Komachi's too cute, so she's bound to be popular, right? Because of that, I'll have to watch out for boys. Above all, I have to make sure nobody finds out she has a useless brother like me. Komachi's reputation depends on it.

Yui: That's what you're worried about!? Also, you're assuming she'll pass?

Y/N: Not surprised. Siscon.

Hachiman: No I'm not!

Yukino: I'm not sure if that's thinking positively or negatively.

From a small bag, Yukino had placed the cookies on a plate, Yui gasping with excitement.

Yui: Did you make those, Yukinon?

Yukino: Y-Yes...I just made them last night...

She looks away, saddened slightly as Y/N grew even more confused. He didn't know what happened the other day as he left with his siblings.

Yui: I see! I've kinda been trying since then, too, but it's not going too well.

Yukino: (hands bag) Here, if you'd like.

Yui: Oh! Thanks! Um...just for me?

The black haired girl gulps as she nervously looks at Y/N, who notices the gaze and waves it off.

Y/N: Don't bother. Nee-san is going to call me out for eating too much sweets. Even more so, she'll devour the cookies as I'll just bring it home.

Yui: What about Hikky's?

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